Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Chapter Fifty-Nine

"You should get your car license."

"For the millionth time I won't. I told you already."

Cook was trying to persuade me to get my temporary license, the one that doesn't even involve driving just factual testing. We were in the still closed before lunch cafeteria during our spare.

"Please love just consider it. How will we visit each other next year?"

"I'll take the bus."

"You hate the bus."

"True. But I also hate to be driven. And cars. And overall moving vehicles."

"You seem to do fine in my car," he noted as if realizing.

"That's because I trust you. I can't get into a car without panicking unless its someone I know well. Like Katy and Kent but they knew to drive slowly and cautiously when I'm around."

"Hmm... I don't want to make you do something you're uncomfortable with. 'Ill just have to drive to you."

"You can't drive 45 minutes back and forward just to see me," I pointed out, exasperated.

"Of course I can," he said snugging his arm around me.



"You're just so... so..."

"So....?" he waved.

"Irksome. You're so irksome," I said, running out of words to describing me.

"Yeah? Irksome?"

"Annoying, infuriating, irritating..."

He game me a smirk. "I know what irksome means."

"You do?" I teased.

"Oh shut up." His english accent ringing through while he tickled me.

I was considering doing just the written test. I guess there's no harm in that.

After that conversation, he brought me to school and back the next day and the day after that, and the next. Behind all the teasing and mild-mocking, Cook knew where my fear sprung from and how.


With the arrival of May was my 18th birthday. I turned every year with the first signs and appearance of the month of May.

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