Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

The night was far from over but it progressed fairly quickly. I was playing foosball with Mark - the easiest and funnest game in my opinion. I kept my eye on Kent who played pool with the others. Everyone was too into their game to be drinking anyway. The games were the almost perfect distraction.

As for Katy, she would make a point of always being at the opposite end of where I stood. It was almost childish. It caused attention as everyone noticed the clear separation between us. Inseparable best friends were now always meters apart on purpose.

As for Cook, he diverted his eyes from my direction and my gaze every single time. He was ashamed of me for sure. I tried not to take it personal because I had insulted by acting the same way previously. What comes around goes around. But then again isn't it hypocritical for him to act the way he didn't want to be treated?

I won against Mark partly because he forgot his glasses at home. Penelope took his place and we spoke over the table as we played.

"What's with you and Katy?" she inquired, scoring her first goal against me.

I trusted her so I told her an abbreviated form of explanation I gave to Amanda.

"I had no idea you were tutoring Cook," she said at the end of it.

"He's also tutoring me," I corrected. It wasn't fair to take all the credit.

"Well, thats good then. I don't see the problem with it. You should have came clean to her though when you had the chance."

"I know I know. Like I said I was embarrassed because I used to hate him. I didn't want anyone to believe I thought he could be and is decent. It makes no sense and it was vain from me. But its the truth. And afterwards it went on for a while I didn't know how to come clean."

She whistled. "Well, my friend. I hate to break to you but Katy holds mad grudges."

Penelope; the pessimist yet the compassionate.

"How so?" I asked. I felt like I was finally about to get the story behind their history. A possible feud?

She sighed. Scored against me again. I was sorely losing at this point.

"Well, in elementary school, we were friends me her and Jane. We befriended another girl in our class. A new girl. Her name was Samantha. Anyway, she was making up things about Samantha to the class and I called her out on it. Jane was covering for Katy but I had enough of others bullying Samantha. So our group split in two. And Katy accused me of being a terrible friend. And Samantha of being a friend snatcher. It was stupid. We were so young. Little stupid jealousies. Who's more best friends with who. But she held onto that grudge and we were never friends since. It didn't matter since she switched schools. But now I bet she assumes I'm stealing you from her as well."

Huh. "Katy has severe problems with sharing," I said aloud realizing it.

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