Chapter Fifty-Five
It was Wednesday evening. I had just finished my first History exam and was confident I nailed it. Cook and I had been studying hard for it since last week at Jeffrey's. We also met up once with Amanda to study at the Starbucks near our school. Her notes were so detailed, you would think she'd done extra reading and took the class twice. Safe to say she blessed us. She also popped some great History based trivia. Literally the funnest way to learn and retain all the dates, historical figures, places, battles, and ideals.
Kent wanted me to come over at his house. His parents weren't home he said. His dad on a business trip and his mother was visiting his aunt.
I needed some convincing before agreeing. I pulled every excuse in the book. "It's a school night," doesn't count when your boyfriend spends countless school nights at yours.
I finally agreed. I felt uneasy and cautious after all that I had seen and witnessed last time. I was worried.
The way he was acting today was a bit off. He was touchier than usual. He made several sexual jokes. One or two involving the bathroom. "We should sneak right now to the upstairs bathroom." He wasn't kidding. "Absolutely not," I said, trying to keep my tone light.
My doubts were confirmed when we got to his house. He hadn't led me to his bedroom but to one of the guest rooms. One with the plushiest bed. The room was neat. He put some music in the background and practically hovered over me until the back of my knees pressed into the bed and I fell backwards onto it. He crashed his lips to mine and I welcomed him since we didn't have many physical intimate moments to ourselves.
"I love you, you know that right?" Kent asked.
I nodded. This was it. I felt it. It was going to happen. I was prepared mentally and physically. We'd been dating for a few months now and I've been yearning for him since past childhood. This was right.
I brought him closer to my lips, kissing back my response. Our sweaters came off. We both had our pants on still. I was undoing mine and he pulled away.
"Hold on. I have to get something." He said. He winked and I giggled due to my nerves. It was obvious what he was going to go get.
In his absence, I grabbed his phone that was bluetooth connected to the speakers. I wanted to change the song. I never go though his phone but it phone was surprisingly unlocked.
His phone was open to his text messages app. I glanced at it for two-seconds and exit it, it wasn't my business. But a name caught my eye and I went back. It was Katy's name. That's strange considering they were merely acquaintances.
His last message dated after Valentine's Day. My mouth made a big O.
I scrolled up hesitantly. What if I found something I didn't like? It wasn't possible.
I quickly swiped up. My eyes were unseeing. It was hard to focus when your hearts pounding at thirty-thousand miles and hour. The text history was long. I couldn't even get to the top. I had to read one part of it before he came. Anything before he walks in. I couldn't skim over anymore.

Love Triangle
Teen FictionSavannah, also known as Sav or Anna, is a regular teenager stuck inside a complicated love triangle. How will she get out of it? Who will she choose? How does her best friend Katy react to all of this? Who's the new guy in town? How many of them are...