Chapter Eight

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 Chapter Eight

"Savannah wake up you're going to be late," shouts my mom from downstairs.

"I'm up. I'm up," I groan.

I hurriedly get ready, rush downstairs, and out the front door in less than five minutes.

"Wow! I think you beat your record, you should maybe consider a career in how to get ready in less than humanly amount of time possible," she cleverly said.

I rolled my eyes rather rudely at her comment even if I knew it was harmless joke.

"You're just jealous that I have talent and you don't," I huffed.

"Ouch?" she asked.

"Sorry Kate, I'm just so exhausted," pleading her to accept my apology.

"Its fine. I told you not to run too long on the treadmill, over exercising drains you out. Especially with the lack of calories you intake!" she exclaimed.

She was so caring, I felt like her big sister side came out.

"No. No," I tried to explain. "It's not that...."

"Then?" she asked curiously.

I sigh. "My mom brought a COWORKER home yesterday." I emphasized on the 'coworker'.

"What?" she gasped.

"Yeah," I replied.

"As in for dinner with the two of you ?" she questioned.


"Did he stay over night?" she cautiously asked.

"I'm not sure. I heard noises very early in the morning.."

"Wow," she simply said.

"Yeah," I responded, agreeing with her.

A full minute passed before she turn back to me and finally ask, "That's good right?"

"I supposed it is," I answered without any doubt. Surprising myself Katy for my acceptance of my mom possibly having a fling with her coworker.

"Okay. Now, you really have to tell me all the details," she demanded.

And I did.

Last period, I made my way to English and surprise surprise Cook decides to sit next to me.

"Hello there," he says in the most annoying voice ever.

"Bye there," I respond harshly.

Surprisingly, he doesn't bother with a comeback. He doesn't even pay attention to me for the rest of the class period. Instead, he bothers an other girl on his other side. Poor thing. Better her than me though. Besides it looks like she's enjoying it. She gave him a flirty wink. I had to suppress myself from gagging at that.

The bell rings and schools finally out. I join Katy in the parking lot. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Wesley leaning on her car and flirting with her. "Go Katy!" I think to myself. Ah damn it, this means I'll have to walk home. She catches me staring at them and she silently pleads me to leave her alone with him. I sigh as I roll my eyes. She smiles brilliantly at me, I ignore her.

The sun was creeping from behind the evening clouds. The temperature was humid and sticky. I couldn't wait to get home. The streets weren't crowded nor were they empty. I didn't live particular far from the school but let's just say the walking distance after a full day of school isn't the fastest way to get home compared to using a car.

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