Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

My life was the equivalent of my laptop cable, phone charger, and headphones wire tangled up and bound tightly together. And the more I pulled on one string, the tighter the whole became, knots solidifying.

It was past noon and I was getting ready to head to the mall. Mom was sleeping in from her late night shift. I was looking forward to watching movies with her tonight.

My phone buzzed. Katy was here. Luckily amanda wasn't in the passenger seat. Katy said Amanda will be joining us at the mall.

"Fun," the word slipped out of my mouth.

She rolled her eyes.

"How was holding hands with Kent?" she asked, grinning larger than life.

"Almost greater than your makeout with Wesley."

She snorted. "Doof."


Amanda was surprisingly kind. And a bit funny. Albeit, I still did not trust her one bit but my previous sentiments of resentments and hatred were gradually diminishing.

"You should try this on," she said, holding out a piece of clothing to me.

It was long sleeved white top with a low cut laced front.

I wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic. I had more clevage than Katy but not as much as hers. I took the hanger from her hand anyway. And we all made it to the changing rooms. I made a point of trying everything else I grabbed from the store before the top.

We came out of the cabins to judge each other's outfits corresponding to our body types. Things look great on them and I liked one of the tops I chose but not as much when I tried it on. We all seemed mildly satisfied with what we tried. I finally tried the last item, the top Amanda handed me, and would have been a fool if I convinced myself that it wasn't flattering. Katy whistled and Amanda winked at me. Safe to say I bought it.


When we made it to the food court, we had 10 shopping bags within us. 2 for me, 3 for Amanda, and 5 for Katy, the shoppaholic. Amanda and I had tried to talk her out of purchasing the last item from Sephora but oh well.

Not that I painted her for someone devoid of intellectually stimulating conversation but Amanda had interesting facts to share that Katy and I couldn't imagine. Turns out; it was actually one of her hobby since a little girl to collect all kinds of facts, ranging from creepy, terrifying, funny, mind-blowing, etc.

Amanda and I were sitting at the food court with our burgers and fries. I was salaving over my pizza burger. Katy was indecisive and abandoned our line to go join another one. She was coming towards us a few minutes later with a smart water and a bowl of leafy greens.

"How long has she been eating only salads?" Amanda asked, her eyes seemingly almost concerned.

The question startled me. I took a sip of my sugary pop. "Umm," I hesitated, "I guess a few days since her modeling deal?" It wasn't Amanda's business. Frankly was she being self conscious because Katy ate healthier than we did?

Katy sat between us, uncaping her Smart Water and taking sips.

"Watcha guys talking about?" she asked half-interested.

I began, "Uh..."

Amanda cut me. "We were discussing that ketchup was used as medicine back into the early 19th Century."

"No way!" Katy exclaimed.

Amanda generously dipped a fry in ketchup. "Yup."

As much as I loved and consumed ketchup what was more interesting was Amanda's quick wit to resort to a lie.

"Sav eats everything with ketchup," Katy pointed out, literally, her fork pointing at me.

"Yeah. Guess I'm forever healed by the graces of ketchup," I said sarcastically.

"Not necessarily," interjected Amanda, "studies show that ketchup was used for digestive purposes because of the antioxidant in tomatoes. Also, ketchup wasn't processed and sweetened back in the 1830s."

My eyebrows were raised.

"That's sick," Katy commented again.

Amanda laughed. After that, she kept her facts to a minimum, not wanting to bore us when honestly I didn't think I'd admire her before knowing about her quirky facts and to be so interested in them.


It was later in the afternoon when Katy dropped me home. She was going to go hang out with Wesley.

There was a note on the counter. Mom had gone out with Jeffrey. There was food in the oven. Great. I was alone for the night. What happened to tea time between girls?

I sighed defeatedly onto my bed. At least I could get some reading done. 20 minutes into reading the ending of "The Great Gatsby," my phone buzzed. The texts were from Peneloppe:

*Party at Wesley's*

*35 Pencilview Street*

*Please come quick*

*I need your help*


I cursed. I didn't bother to change clothes. I was rushing out the door in less than five minutes. Wesley. Katy was supposed to be at Wesley's. But a party? Luckily he lived a few streets down from mine. No busses were needed to be taken. I had my running shoes on. I knew the address. I could make it in less than 10 minutes. 

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