Chapter Forty
It had seem like forever since I got a moment with mom alone. I hadn't seen Jeffrey either as their schedules were too wild to always coincide. I wanted to talk to her. To tell her about Kent, which she adores. I knew she'd love us being together. I also wanted to know how things were looking between her and Jeffrey.
"Mom," I called to her.
"Yes Savannah?"
I stopped. She never called me by my birth name. I swallowed. As if unsure now to tell her or not. "Mom I-I wanted to share something with you."
"What is it honey?"
There she was my mother, coming back to me, attentive and supporting.
"I'm kind of dating Kent." Why did I say 'kind of' when I was?
Her composure flipped three sixty degrees as her frown was replaced by a big knowing smile.
"Kind of?" she asked teasingly.
I laughed, rolling my eyes. "I'm dating him."
"I'm so happy for you. I knew you two would come around and fall for each other."
"You did?"
She nodded. "You guys were always inseparable. This distance just brought you closer to how it was supposed to turn out."
I always loved my mom's positivity and strong belief in destiny and faith. A faith she had struggled with awhile after dad's passing but mom was slowing growing back into herself.
"I never thought of it that way. Thanks mom," I said, hugging her at the waist on the couch. She smoothed my hair as I held onto her.
"Does that mean we need to have the talk now?"
"No! Mom God no."
She laughed. I was stifling my own laugh. And then mom did the most incredible thing ever. She spoke about dad and stories about their love story that I had not heard in years. She also told me other things that younger me would have never understood. I was grateful for her sharing. Strangely enough, talking about dad wasn't hard and heart wrenching. It was more like a breath of air waiting to be released, a good memory waiting to be revived and remembered in a new light.
We sat all night sharing our favorite memories of dad. It was one of our first real acceptance to our loss.
The next night was Wednesday and Cook came over. We were cramming for our first test in Chemistry which was a summary of everything we learned on the weeks that weren't designated for labs. It didn't seem much at first but as we got to it, it was three months worth of content. The funny thing was that we both were equals at Chemistry and we both mildly enjoyed the class. We were flipping through my notes, since I had taken more detailed ones than him. He stumbled on something I wrote in the margin. It read:

Love Triangle
Teen FictionSavannah, also known as Sav or Anna, is a regular teenager stuck inside a complicated love triangle. How will she get out of it? Who will she choose? How does her best friend Katy react to all of this? Who's the new guy in town? How many of them are...