Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

The last week of October sped by in a flash. The air was getting crispier by the day. For some reason the last week of October always felt like the most fall it could be to me in the entire season. Crunching leaves had now become everyone's favorite symphony.

I mulled ideas for a costume until one struck me dumb two nights ago. I was severely late for assembling my costume but I was gleeful. I finally wanted to dress up into something epic and the props were pretty easy to get, except for one piece.

I would have gone with Katy to fetch the essentials for my costume as we had for hers but she had modeling stuff to attend to. So I invited Penelope instead, which happened to be a connoisseuse and lover of everything Halloween and cosplay. I was thrilled that she helped me with last minute shopping.

Penelope herself was a badass biker chick, she had the leather, the gear, the gloves, the whole shebang. Her inspiration was from a 90s movie that I never heard of: "Chopper Chicks in Zombietown." She bought fake sleeve tattoos to add to the look. (She said they'd give her parents a good scare, that's for sure.) I suggested her to join us - Katy, Amanda, and I - before the dance and to the after party. She said sure for the dance but she wasnt too sure about the after party yet.


Although Halloween was on a Saturday but celebrations took place on Friday.

We were finally finishing up touches on all of our costumes. None of us, besides Katy, required much but the basic makeup. We were at my house because Katy didn't want her dad to see her costume, as for Penelope, her twin sister Jane and best friend Viana were already hogging her house, and Amanda's house was under renovations (again, she added), which left only me. I didn't mind. My house was always free and deserted anyway.

I went to the main washroom to dress and put on what I purchased while the girls were doing their contours in my bathroom.

When I got back. The girls looked at me. Katy was practically squealing.

"Sav you look so bad ass!" she exclaimed.

Amanda nodded and gave a thumbs up and Penelope gave me a knowing smile since she helped me pick out what I needed.

Tonight I wasn't Savannah Wilson; I was Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

I had dark leather pants on. A pair of high black heels. A plain black shirt and a black leather jacket on top of it. I also had my cross on, which I always had on under my shirt but now it was out in the open. I bought a bright blond wig to cover my brown hair. And I had a fake stake in my hand. I was ready to go. All I needed was some light red lipstick, some eyeliner, and killer moves. (I still haven't figured the last one out yet.)

Katy had a black skirt on, a white tied up blouse that exposed her bare stomach and her shiny belly ring. She had a grey cardigan on as well. Black shoes and stockings. Her blond hair was split in two pigtails with pink flowers and ribbons. She was the hottest Britney Spears I've ever seen.

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