Chapter one

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Snow is falling on a early December morning. It's Christmas break so I'm still in bed, getting as much rest as I can until I finally get up and head downstairs.

There is two more days till Christmas and my mom is absolutely frantic.
She's running around like a crazy person, making sure everything is just right.

"Mom calm down." I say. "We've had people over before."
"I know, but this time my parents are coming and you know how that goes." She says.
And she's right I do know what will happen.
They seem to have an attitude over everything. They live in upstate New York and basically live in a mansion.

They rarely come and visit. Usually they come on holidays.

"If your so worried and anxious then why did you invite them?" I ask.

"I didn't, they did." She tells me which I did not know.

"Oh." I say, knowing that's what they would do.

"I need to continue getting things ready." She says exasperated.

"Ok mom." I say, knowing  I won't see her for the rest of the day, I decide to go up to my room and relax.
When I get up there, I grab my computer and turn it on and see something strange.

On the screen there is a email from a unfamiliar address with the subject "Murder of Carly Morris" and I know exactly what this is about but I'm not sure why I'm getting an email about something that happened a year and a half ago.
Even though I am hesitant, I click on the email to see what it is about.
As I scan through it, I see keywords that cause me to remember back to a year and a half ago.
August 11 2013
Unknown killer
One suspect

I continue reading, curious to who the suspect is and am not surprised to see that it's me.....the last person to see my best friend alive.

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