Chapter eight

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This can't be. It just CAN'T.

No one knew where I kept the recording. I mean how would they?

I would have to have a super creepy stalker that watches my every move.

Wait........I do.

The messenger. My messenger.

You have got to be kidding me. I'm so stupid. Why didn't I think before I hide the recording?

After sitting there for ten minutes, I hoist myself up off the floor and head downstairs. I head into the living room and take a seat on the couch.

I find the remote and turn the T.V. on. I go to the news channel The Today Show. I listen to the weather report as I grab my favorite book Safe Haven.

I continue reading as the reporter talks about how to stay safe when you are alone at home.

I put my book down and grab the remote to turn the T.V. up.

".......where ever you are. Always keep your front and back doors locked. If you have a hidden key in case you leave yours at home, make sure to change the spot of the key monthly, depending on how much you need to use it. Please be sure---."

As I am listening to the T.V, I hear a pounding knock on the door. I head over to the door and look out the side window. I peer through the window and see a police officer at the door.

I open the door and the police officer looks up.

"Hello Mrs. Davis. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine. How may I help you sir?" I ask.

"I just want to ask you a few questions." He responds.

"Umm okay. Come on in." I say, not sure why he needs to ask me anything.

I  open the door wider to let him in. He walks through the door and heads into the kitchen. He pulls out a chair and takes a seat.

"I just have a few questions involving Carly." He says.

"Okay. What do you need to know?" I ask.

"I ask the questions here." He states, looking me start in the eye.

"Okay." I say again.

He shifts himself in the chair and puts his hands on the counter.

"Do you have any idea who would want to harm Carly?" He asks.

I shift in my seat, uncomfortable, and clear my throat.

I shake my head.

"Please answer yes or no." He instructs.

"No." I say.

"Did Carly ever do anything that wasn't like her?"


"Are you sure? Did she talk to anyone she didn't associate with?" He asks.

"If she did I never knew about it. She was usually her bubbly, outgoing self, so it wasn't weird or out of the ordinary when she did talk to someone." I respond.

"What do you mean by usually bubbly?" He questions.

"I don't know." I say. "Sometimes she was just cranky but isn't everyone?" I ask, trying to make him understand.

"I ask the questions." He states again. "Did Carly know or keep something from you that you didn't know about?"

"I wouldn't know." I snap. "If she didn't want me to know then she wouldn't of told me."

Saying this makes me think of the things Carly never told me.

I've seen her write in her journal before but it seemed personal so I never asked.

But now?

I have an impulse to know.

What did she keep from me?

And why?

"Rachel?" The officer says as I come back to reality.

"Yes?" I say confused.

"I am about done here." He says.

I sit there staring at the counter when he adds "Oh and Rachel?"


"I know you have that file. I need it back. NOW." He demands.

"I--I--I don't have it." I stutter.

"You know it is illegal to lie to a cop?"

"I know." I say worried that he will see right through me.

"Are you lying to me?" He asks, making direct eye contact.

"No." I say looking him right in the eye.

"I am done here." He says as he gets up from the chair.


"Thank you for your time." He says.

I give him a small smile as he heads out the door.


I just a police officer.

If he finds out......I don't even want to think about what will happen.

But I am definitely scared.

I'm in a deep hole with this investigation.......deeper than I should be.

And I don't think I can get out.

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