Chapter three

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The ground is covered in fluffy white snow and the air is crisp.
It's been two days since Christmas and I've listened to the recording about 100 times.
I don't know what I should do.
Should I give it to the police?
Should I tell my mom?
Or should I keep it to myself?

I've been contemplating what to do and I think I'm going to keep it to myself.

I am hoping that the recording was just a joke. Hoping that someone was just trying to mess with me since they knew the investigation was on going again.

Hoping that's the case, I decide to put the recording under the stairs where there is a small compartment. Once the recording is safely put away, where one knows where it is, I head into the kitchen to grab something to eat.
As I am getting cereal out of the cabinet, my mother walks in.
"Your finally up and out of your room." She says and I turn around.

I've been in my room constantly, listening to the recording.
"Yeah, I am." I say "So do you have any plans today?" I ask.
"Now that you ask, I guess it's a good time to tell you that yesterday I lost my job at the attorney's office. So today I am interviewing for a new job." She tells me.
"What happened? Where are you going to work?" I asked concerned.
"Apparently I wasn't being fair to a client and my boss found out. So I going to interview for a job at the police department." She admits.
"Oh." I say, knowing what this means.

My mom is going to be at the station...during the investigation of Carly's murder.
What if she finds out I'm the prime suspect?
Or she finds out that I have a recording and she lets the police know?
Oh boy...
"So if you get the job when will you start?" I ask hoping that it's a long time from now.
"Tomorrow." She says.
"That's great mom!" I say, pretending to be happy for her.
"Thank you honey! Maybe you could get an internship there this summer." She says.
"Yeah maybe." I say knowing that would never happen.
"Mom I'm going to go for a walk around the block."
"Ok." She says. "But I will probably be gone when you get back."
"Ok." I say as I grab my jacket and my fuzzy pompom hat.
Once I get out the door I decide to head to Carly's house, which is about a half mile from my house.
When I get there I see that there are no cars in the drive way. I decide to head into the backyard.
I spot the treehouse that Carly and I played in when we were younger.
I go up the ladder and step through the doorway.
It looks exactly the way I remember it.
2 chairs. A table. Our favorite picture books. And board games. The last time we were up here was second grade. Now we - I - are in tenth grade.
It's definitely been awhile.
I take a seat in one of the wooden folding chairs and lay back to look up at the ceiling.
What is that?
There is blood red writing on the roof...

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