Chapter five

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There is three more days left of Christmas break and I decide to use one wisely.
I head to the police station.
I know what your probably thinking...
Your mom is at the police station. What are you thinking!?
If you must know, I'm going there to check Carly's files. They might tell me something I don't already know.
I pull into the parking lot and spot my mother's Corvette and park on the other side of the lot.
Once I open the door I head into the waiting area and pick up a newspaper to "read" it.
I "read" the paper while waiting for the room with the files to be empty, and I sneak in.
I lock the door behind me and shut the blinds to all the windows.
I look around and see silver file cabinets. I head to the one closest to the door and open it up.
I look inside and see last names in alphabetic order starting from A to G.
I move on to the one next to it and see last names in order from H to M.
I search through the file till I find Morris,Carly.
I grab the file and flip to the back, thinking her death might be in the back.
I find the last page and read over it.

I don't know how long I was standing there for till I hear a knock on the door.
Oh no...what should I do?
I hear the door knob turn and I shove the file back into the open drawer and close it softly.
I turn around and hope I won't get arrested.
I guess I have to improvise.
The door opens and I hear "Hello?"
And I know they see me because they get out their walkie talkie to call security.
"Wait, I can explain." I say.
The officer puts the walkie talkie away and crosses his arms over his chest, waiting.
"I dropped my ring and it went under the door, so I came into get it." I say as I drop my ring quietly on the ground.
"You shouldn't have done that. It's illegal. A felony." He tells me.
"Oh I didn't know." I say. "Here it is." I say as a pick up my "lost" ring.
"You should leave now."
"Okay." I say.
"Don't come back or you will be charged with a felony."
"Okay." I say as he opens the door for me to leave.

I head back to my car when I see a shadow. Thinking it's just a person walking, I go to my car until I realize this person was by my car, in my car.
But for what reason.
The person sees me and runs. Against my better judgement, I follow.
I need answers
I continue to think this as I take each step towards the figure.
I get a second wind and run harder then I've ever ran before.
I am inches from the grasp of the person running from me until they stop in their tracks and turns towards me.

"What do you think your doing?" The person says.
I can't tell who they are with their mask on and hood up. But it sounds like a he.
"What were you doing in my car?" I asked exhausted.
"Your mother saw your car in the parking lot and she asked me to come find you." He says.
"Why you?" I say frustrated.
"She is training me."

"Why is she training someone when she just got here herself?" I ask confused.
He shrugs his broad shoulders and says "I don't know I guess she learns fast."
"Okay, why did you run off when I saw you?" I say, full of questions.
"I can't afford to lose another job. If my boss saw me searching through someone's car, I'd be fired quicker then you can say cop." He says.
It's all starting to clear up but I still have a question.
"Who are you and why are you wearing a mask?"
He takes off his mask and hood and I see a boy about 6'1, muscular build, blonde hair, and dark green eyes.

"Nick. Nick Harris." He says. "And because it freaks people out." He says as he laughs to himself. "And you are?" He asks.
"Rachel Davis." I say.
"Nice to met you." He says as he puts out his hand.
I extend my arm to shake is hand and notice he has a strong grasp.
"Same to you." I say, still curious about one thing. "Why haven't I seen you before?" I ask.
"I lived in Thorn County, about an hour from here. I moved here about a week ago." He says.
"Was it cause you lost so many jobs there, that there was none left for you, so you came here?" I ask sarcastically.
"Hahaha." He pretends to laugh. "No, my mom got a new job and so we had to move."
"Oh." I say. "What school are you going to?" I ask curious.
"Smokey Day. It's a private school." He says.
"I know. I go there to." I say.
"Oh well then I guess I'll see you there."
He says.
"Yea, I guess so." I say as I stand there, not knowing what else to say.
"Well I better get back to the station." He tells me.
"I'll see you around." He says and walks back.
Some guy broke into my car, with permission, ran away from me, explained it all in a matter of minutes, told me his name, and said he was going to the same school as me.

It's been a long day.....and school hasn't even started back up yet.

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