Chapter fourteen

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My eyes blink open and I have to close them again.
It's to bright. Way to bright.

I slowly open my eyes again and I'm able to see clearly.

All I see is white.
White walls. White sheets. White cabinets.
Where am I?

I hear a steady beeping noise. I look to my left and see a heart rate machine.
The only place I could be would be....a hospital.
But why?
What happened?

Suddenly the glass door creaks open and a petite blonde walks in.

"Oh your up! Are you feeling alright?" The lady says as she flips through a file.
"Yes I'm alright. Where am I?" I say exhaustedly.
"You are in the mental ward. Your mother will be in shortly."
"Why am I here? I'm not crazy."
"No your not. You had a major anxiety attack that caused you to pass out. The doctors are not sure what triggered your anxiety. Your mom is talking to the doctors right now. This is probably a lot to take in but please try and stay calm." The nurse says as she checks the heart rate monitor and walks out of the room.
This can't be happening right now. I was so sure that the messenger attacked me. And now I'm begin told I had a anxiety attack! Come on! There is no way.

Finally the door creaks open and my mom walks in.
"Oh Rachel." She says as she runs over to me.
"What happened? When can I leave?" I ask.
"Rachel, you were found lying in the woods curled in a ball. You were whispering "don't shoot me. Please don't shoot me". Who are you asking not to shoot you?" My mom asks as she stares me in the eye.
"I don't remember." I answer.
"Don't lie to me Rachel. I just want to protect you."
"I'm telling the truth mom. Please believe me." I say.
It's true, I don't know who the shooter was. I just know it was the messenger and I can't tell my mom that.

My mom huffs a sigh and pats my arm.
"Okay and I don't know how long you will be here. I guess until your healed."
"Healed?" I yell. "From what?"
"From the anxiety that has taken control of you. You will be in regular therapy and given a daily medication. When the doctors and I feel you are ready, you can come home." My mom responds calmly.
My mom starts to gather her things.
"Yes?" She says as she turns toward me.
"Who found me in the woods?"
"Nick. He found you and brought you to the hospital."
"Oh. Well can I see him?"
"Honey I'm sorry. You can't have visitors outside of the family. I will try and see you daily. Please understand this is to help you. And honey?" She says as she stands up and heads towards the door.
"I love you."
"Love you to mom."

When my mom leaves, I shift my body and look out the window.

When will I get out of here?

This is all I think before I close my eyes, dreading the day ahead of me.

Probably not what you expected huh?
Comment what you think down below.
Not sure how the next chapter will go but I would love some ideas!

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