Chapter six

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I wake up with bright beams of sun shining through my window on a cold December day.
This is the first time this winter the sun as shown through the clouds and it feels good.

It is December 31, New Year's Eve and my mom is throwing a huge party to celebrate.
Which means I have to join.
I never liked parties but Carly loved them. She liked dressing up, getting out on the town, and meeting boys.
She would always drag me to some party that was happening in town.
Carly would have the best time.
Not so much.
I wasn't in to the whole party thing. Sure it was a way to unwind after a week of school, but I'd much rather just stay at home and watch Netflix.
But Carly was my best friend and so we did everything together, even if the other didn't enjoy it as much.
It was how we created a bond between us.
It was kind of how we stayed connected.
Being able to talk about the same party or event we did.

As I'm replaying these memories in my head, I hear a loud clattering noise downstairs and I jump.

Still in shock, I head downstairs to see what happened.
I look in the kitchen and see chunks of glass on the bamboo floor.

I go over to the mess to pick it up when my mom walks through the archway.

"Oh Rachel I can clean that up." She pipes.
"It's okay mom." I say as I continue picking up chunks of glass. "I'm guessing you dropped something?" I ask.
"Yeah I did." She admits. "There was a noise by the window. I thought it was a animal, but then I looked over and saw two handprints on the window. I guess I just got scared." She says as she shrugs her shoulders.

She doesn't seem to realize that this is a big deal.
What if this is the person who is sending me messages?
I finish picking up the glass and go outside to put it in the dumpster not to far from the house.

As I'm heading back, I decide to take a look at the window.

I see the two handprints and mirror my hand with them to see how big they are.
They are a bigger then my small hands so I assume they are a man's hands.

I stand there and can't think of anything relevant to Carly's investigation, so I head back inside to get ready for the party.

We have three hours to get everything ready before the guests arrive.

As my mom cleans the house top to bottom, I prepare the food. Mainly just finger foods which I can manage, being the horrible cook that I am.

I grab my computer from my room and find a recipe that looks simple.
I start making the dish - shrimp cocktail- when my phone buzzes.

I look up from the shrimp and see a text message from an unknown number.
I unlock my phone and read the message:

You better watch out cause I'm your worst predator
By the way, good luck with the shrimp.......

I am so shocked, I drop the shrimp basket on the ground.

I go over to the cabinet for cleaning supplies and when I come back Im in utter shock.

The shrimp is aligned into a arrow, pointing towards the window.

I look over to the handprints on the window and scream.

The hand is outlined in cocktail sauce.

Someone was in the house the same time as my mom and I.
They were more than likely watching me.
They had it all planned out.
They were ready to strike.

What they said was true.

They are going for the kill.

And the me.

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