Chapter eighteen

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"Rachel, breakfast is ready." My mom yells from downstairs.

I groan and look over at the clock. 8:30.

I slowly get up and head downstairs to the smell of freshly made pancakes.

"Good morning honey. How did you sleep?"

"Fine." I reply, even though I dreamt that I attacked Hanna and killed her in her sleep.

"That's good. Well eat up, we are going out in about 20 minutes." My mom replies.

"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask.

"To a spa in Davidsonville. I think we both need a break!"

"Oh okay." I say as I dip a piece of pancake in syrup.

10 minutes later, when I finish my pancakes, I head upstairs to get dressed.

I find my best fitting jeans and a light pink tank top. I also grab my tan sandals and head back downstairs to see my mom waiting in her car.

I grab my phone and bag and head out the door.

As we pull onto route 22, I realize how excited I actually am to spend today with my mom.

20 minutes later, we arrive at Sherri's Day Spa. We walk to the entrance and are greeted by 2 friendly woman who seem to be about 20 years old.

They show us to our room and hand us our robes.

As I wait for my mom to finish changing in the bathroom, I look around the room.

There are pictures of beaches and sunsets along the walls. There is soft music playing in the background.

Very relaxing.

When my mom emerges from the bathroom, I collect my change of clothes and go into the bathroom.

I strip down and throw on my robe. I put my hair into a messy bun and head into the main room.

We hear a knock on door and a lady asks if we are ready for our massage.

"Yes we are." My mom says as she opens the door.

"Okay follow me please."

We follow the young blonde to the back room and wait for our masseuses to arrive.

"I'm really glad we get to spend the day together." My mom says.

"Me too mom."

Our masseuses arrive with muscle rollers and hot rocks. They apply the hot rocks to our backs and I cringe from the hot pain.

"Are you alright ma'am?" The masseuse asks me.

"Yes its just the heat."

"Would you like me to take them off?"

"No its okay."

"Alright. I'm going to start loosening your muscles. Close your eyes and relax."

And I do just that.

But shortly after I close my eyes, I am startled by the siring hot pain that is shooting through my body.

I open my eyes and look behind me to ask if my masseuse can take the rocks off.

I look back and see that my masseuse is no longer there and neither is my moms.

My mom is sound asleep with her eyes covered with cucumbers.

I slowly rise up from the position I am in and realize that there is nothing on my back. No hot rocks or anything.

So what could this pain be caused from?

I go over to the mirror and look at my back. There are burn marks all over my back.

I decide to go over to the closet and look from heat cream to relieve the pain.

I open the door and scream as loud as I've ever screamed before.

The masseuses bodies are shoved into the closet. And they aren't breathing.....

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