Chapter eleven

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The day is finally over. By the time first period ended, my whole episode was around the school.

Everyone stared and gave me a look like they were going to kill me. Everyone seemed to believe the captain of the soccer team, which is weird because no one cared what he thought until now.

By lunch I was a complete outcast. Nobody talked to me. Nobody even looked at me.

Finally 8th period rolled around and I only had 45 minutes left to go in this horrid day.

And now an hour later I am opening the door to my house and slipping my shoes off.

"Mom? Are you home?" I ask waiting for a response that never comes.

I head into the kitchen and sit at the breakfast bar. I take out my math homework attempt to answer the equations.

Man, these problems are less complicated than my life right now. There is just a question and an answer. My life is a question: Who killed Carly? And continuous answers that seem to always be wrong.

I've gone through about three problems when a hear a car door slam and a minute later my mom walks through the door.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie." my mom says tiredly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just tired. Speaking of which, I'm exhausted so I'm going to head up stairs for a nap." she says as she yawns.

"Okay." I say as my mom heads out of the room and up the stairs.

I attempt to continue my homework but my mind is filled with other things.

I get up from the kitchen chair and head to the fridge.
I grab a gallon of milk and pour some in a cup.
I put it in the microwave and wait 30 seconds till I hear a beep.
I grab the cub and take a sip.

Just like old times
When Carly and I were hyper or couldn't concentrate, Carly's mom would make us each a cup of warm milk.
It almost always calmed us down.

Coming back to reality, I sit back down and start my homework, again.

Knock knock?
Who's there?

Wait that's the door.

I get up and walk to the door.
I look and see Nick outside and I open the door a crack.

"Hey." Nick says.
"Hey." I say confused as to why he's here.
"Are you busy?" He asks.
"Um yea kinda. I've got homework."
"Well that's to bad because your coming with me." He states.
"Um why?"
"Because you need a break. Now let's go." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.
I don't even try to resist, knowing there's no use.

Nick leads me to his beat up Chevy truck and hops in the drivers seat.

When we are both in the truck and buckled up, we drive through my neighborhood and start onto the back roads of Michigan.

"So where are we going?" I ask.
"You'll just have to wait and see." Nick says as he takes a sharp left turn.

Minutes later we arrive at the local park and I notice there is no one else at the park besides a lady with her German Shepard puppy.

As we get out of the car, I notice a red and white checkered blanket laying on the grass with a picnic basket.

So cliché.......but still romantic.

"You did all this for me?" I ask astonished.
"What the blanket and basket?" He asks.
"Oh no I didn't do that! That's  for some other couple." He says as I now see a couple of about 16 walk over to the blanket. "I thought you would of liked to play on the play gym."


"Yea definitely." I say, some what reluctant.
"Awesome." Nick says as he grabs my hand and smiles.

We walk over, hand in hand, and sit down on the swings.
I start to rock back and forth when I hear a ear splintering screech.

"Are you sure these swings are safe?"
"No not really!!!" Nick laughs lightly. "How about we take a walk instead of risking our lives on this rusty play gym?" I ask exaggerating.
"Good idea."

We start for the trail when I look up and see stars twinkle in the sky.

It sure did get late. I think I need to get home so my mom doesn't worry.

But I'm having a great time.

"I need to get home before my mom worries."
"Don't worry. I talked to your mom already and she said your curfew is 12."
"Your the best." I say happily as a give his hand a squeeze.
"I wanted tonight to be great and I didn't want to have to end our date early."
"So this is a date?" I say as I raise my eyebrows.
"I'd like to think so." Nick says.
"Me too." I blush.
We walk a few seconds in silence when Nick turns to me and says "Can I tell you something?"
"Yea sure."
"I don't want you to take this the wrong way or get upset.
"Okay." I say slightly worried.
"There's no other way to say this so I'm just gonna spit it out."
"Go ahead." I say, now very worried.
"Umm well.... Nick pauses for a while before he continues. "I never asked you about Carly because I didn't need to."

What is he saying?

"What do you mean? I'm confused." I say scared to death.
"I lied to you. I have always lived in this county, I just went to a different school."
"Okay. But why did you lie?"
"I didn't want you to know that---." Nick takes a deep breath before he goes on."That I knew Carly before she died. I knew her very well."
"What are you saying?"
"Carly and I--we were a couple. I was in love with her but her parents forbid me to see her and vise versa."
I blink back tears and ask "Why couldn't you see her?"
"Because I was a troubled kid and Carly's parents knew that. They knew I didn't have a job. That I had poor grades. And they knew I loved Carly but they didn't care. We would met secretly and I asked her to tell no one. Even  her best friend."

I am completely speechless.

"I'm sorry Rachel. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were Carly's best friend until I heard what people said about you. I'm sorry." I see tears in Nick's eyes.

"It's okay Nick. You didn't have to tell me but you did. And that means you care. Thank you for telling me. I would love to hear more about your relationship if that okay with you."
"Yea it is. Thank you Rachel." Nick says as he pulls me in for a hug.
"This date was pretty awesome." I say with a slight giggle.
"Yea it was."
"Can we do it again soon?" I ask.
"Definitely. But I think it's time I get you home." Nick says as he looks at his watch.
Nick grabs my hand and holds on tight, promising that he will never leave me.

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