Chapter seventeen

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When the car rolled up the driveway an hour later, my head is still flooded with emotions.
Worry. Frustration. Sadness. And so many more.
I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door as I head to the trunk to grab my things.
As I roll my suitcase through the door way, I hear my mom coming up behind me.
"Drop your stuff in your room and please come downstairs. I would like to talk to you." My mom says as she scoots past me into the kitchen.

I nod my head and go upstairs.
I open my bedroom door and push my suitcase in through the doorway.

I put my suitcase on my bed and go back downstairs to see my mom sitting at the kitchen counter, reading a magazine.
I head to the seat beside her and wait for her to turn towards me.
When she finally does, she puts her hand over mine and takes a deep breath.
"Rachel honey? I need to make something very clear." She says.
"Okay." I say, skeptical.
"Even though you left the hospital, it doesn't me you won't be admitted to another one."
"Okay." I say again.
"I've decided it is best to give you a week to readjust and see how things are going. If I feel you are struggling, I will reconsider admitting you. Do you understand?" She asks.
"Yes." I say as I gulp.
"Alright. Now go ahead and unpack." My mom says as she looks back at her magazine.

I turn the corner and walk back up the stairs to my room.
I grab my suitcase and unzip the main compartment.
As I lift my shirts out of the suitcase and onto my bed, I see a note, folded in half.
Oh gosh. You have got to be kidding me...
I hesitantly pick the note up and unfold it, prepared to read the worst.

Hello again...psycho...
How was your lovely stay in paradise?
Well, not paradise for you but definitely for me. Why?
Well because you were trapped in that prison. To bad I couldn't get you...or could I......

If I thought for one second the messenger would leave me be for one day, I was wrong. So wrong.

Frustrated, I put the note on my dresser and continue unpacking.

When everything is unpacked, I turn my computer on.
I see I have an email from a "friend", Bonnie, asking where have I been.

I reply back with "I had some personal issues that were being dealt with. But I'll be back to school on Monday. Thanks for the concern."

Seconds later, Bonnie sends me a response back.

I hope you are doing alright. And I'll see you in school on Monday. Cya.

With that, I close my laptop and head downstairs to watch tv.
I turn on the news and listen to the breaking story.

"A young girl,Hanna, was murdered about a day ago at the Queen Fall Hospital. The detectives are not sure of the cause of death. There are signs of struggle. The police are searching for the felon, Rachel Davis, right now. Rachel is a minor and stayed in the hospital with Hanna and was the last person to see her alive. Please be cautious."

I am not the murderer.
I'm being the one and only messenger.....

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