Chapter nineteen

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I quickly slam the door shut and try to slow my breathing.
I go back over to the table I was laying on and grab my clothes.
I head to the bathroom and change out of my robe.
When I return back to the room, my mom has opened her eyes and is sitting up.
"I haven't seen the 2 ladies in awhile. Have you?" My mom asks.
"No I haven't." I whisper.
"You've changed out of your robe. Why?"
"Um I- I'm not feeling well. I'm kind of ready to head home. Is that alright?" I ask.
"Yea of course. What is it that's hurting?" My mom asks concerned.
"My stomach."
It's not a lie. My stomach does feel nauseous. I mean I just saw to dead bodies in a closet.
"Okay well let me just change and then we can go." My mom replies as she grabs her clothes and leaves the room.

As I sit down, I feel the pain from the burns on my back.
I shift my body into the most comfortable position and wait for my mom to return.
When she finally does, we grab the rest of our things and head to the reception desk.

"Done already?" A brunette girl asks us.
"Yes we are. Thank you."  My mom replies.
"Alright well it looks like your total for today is $130. Would you like to pay credit or debit?"
"Credit please."
"Okay go ahead and swipe your card and sign your name."
My mom does that and we are on our way home.

40 minutes later, when we reach home, I thank my mom again for the day and head up to my room.

I put my bag on my bed and grab my phone out of the front pocket.

I have a message from Nick.

Hey Rachel. I heard you left the hospital and I just wanted to know how your doing. Text me when you can.

I quickly type a  response.

Hey Nick. Thanks for the concern. I am doing well. I'll text you later, I'm exhausted. It's been a long day.

I put my phone on my bedside table and rest my head on my pillow.

I feel my eyes shutting when my phone buzzes.
Thinking its Nick, I grab my phone until I realize it's not Nick.
It's a 610 number and that's not Nick's number.
I open up the message and read the words.

When will you realize that I can ALWAYS get to you. You may not know how I reach you but know that I can. I will put you through torture because that is what you did to me when you murdered Carly. You WILL know how it feels. Even if I have to kill innocent masseuses to prove my point.

My heart is racing and my breathing fast as I retread the message, just to make sure it's real. And it definitely is.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

If I haven't realized it yet, I sure have now.

The messenger is a cold blooded killer.
And him or her I don't know which one, will kill anyone that shows one bit of kindness towards me or my family.

Oh my gosh...............Nick

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