Chapter sixteen

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"Get AWAY!" I hear someone scream at 5 in the morning.

"I said GET AWAY!" They scream again, even louder this time.

I cover my head with my pillow to block the noise. When it doesn't work, I groan and head to the bathroom.

The bathroom is vacant so I grab a brush and booby pins to do my hair.

As I insert bobby pins to hold my hair in place, the door creaks open and a nurse walks in.

"Good morning Rachel. It's time to head to breakfast. Please quickly finish what your doing and then get to breakfast." The nurse,Wanda, says as she leaves.

I finish my hair and look in the mirror.

My hair looks good so I head out the door.

When I reach the dining hall, I grab my menu, fill it out, and take a seat.

It's only my second day here and I know exactly what to do. When can I leave? Please tell me it's soon.

I sit down, just like yesterday, and wait for my tray.

When my tray arrives 10 minutes later, I am half asleep, ready to go back to bed, and starving.
I scarf down my eggs and bacon and head to my morning group for therapy.

As I sit in a seat, the loud speaker goes off.
"Rachel Davis please come to the main lobby."

I get up, confused, and head toward the lobby.

When I reach the lobby, I see my mom with my suitcase and pillow stance by the door.

This could only mean one thing.

"Mom? What's going on?"
"We're leaving. Come on." She gestures toward the door.
"Why are we leaving?"
"Because I said so. Now come on!" She urges me.
"Okay." I say as I walk out the door, blinded by the sun.

My mom points to her car and unlocks the door, saying nothing.

When we finally get on to the highway, I can't hold my silence any longer.

"Mom! Talk to me! Please!" I beg.
"Rachel, there's nothing to say! You've been discharged. We are going home. Okay? Drop it!"
"But mom, I was only there for 2 days. There's no way the doctors think I'm "healed", So why am I leaving?" I say.
"Because that place is not safe! A 16 year old girl was MURDERED! Rachel someone was murdered in the same facility as you. I will not let you stay there. Do you understand me?"
"Yes. I understand." I say.
"But one thing."
"What was her name?" I ask, curiously.
"Her name was Hanna."

No way
The only person that would do the messenger.

The messenger murdered Hanna

Hanna was the one screaming this morning..........

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