Chapter ten

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"Rachel wake up." A voice persists.
I groan loudly.
"Rachel! Wake up or your gonna be late."

I shoot up in my bed breathing heavily.

"Good your up." I hear a voice mumble.
"What?" I ask confused.

"You need to get up. Your alarm has been going off for 30 minutes."

I slowly open my eyes to see my mom standing by my bed.
"But why?"
"It's the first day back to school" my mom says.

I mumble a protest and throw back the covers.

"You better hurry. You have 20 minutes" She tells me as she heads downstairs.

I rub my eyes as I collect my hair into a ponytail and head into the bathroom.

I hop into the shower and rinse off.

When I hop out, realize I have 3 minutes till the bus comes.
I throw on sweat pants and a t-shirt, grab a granola bar and head out the door.

I walk 3 blocks to the bus stop and 5 seconds later the bus rolls up the hill.

"Good morning." the driver says.
"Morning." I say as I head to my seat.

I settle in for the ride and grab my headphones.
I connect them to my phone and put them in my ears.
I turn on acoustic music and relax as I turn towards the window.

Carly was the one that got me to listen to acoustic music.
She listened to it all the time and I got accustom to it and eventually started  liking it.
I turn my head away from the window and see people rising from their seat.
I do the same as I head off the bus, onto the sidewalk.
I go into my high school, Fairview High, and head to my first period.

I take my seat and get out my notebook and write down the warm up on the board.

Other people start to walk in and sit down.
The teacher finally walks in.
"Good morning everyone and welcome back." Mrs.Elliot, my math teacher, says.
"Good morning." A couple people say in unison.

I wait for the teacher to continue but she goes over to her computer and sits down.
"Talk amongst yourself." She says, never taking her eyes off the computer.

That's odd. Mrs.Elliot is always about getting things down and not socializing during her class.

Oh well. I guess today's an exception.

I turn to my left and see kids in a huddle whispering with an occasional snicker.
One of the girls talks too loud and I hear her say "I think she killed her. Don't you?"
One of the guys next to her shushes her and casts a glance my way.
When he sees me looking he quickly turns back around.

Normally I would let this go, but I'm so frustrated that I turn towards the huddle.

"If you have something to say, say it." I demand.
"Um there's nothing to say." A quiet girl who went to middle school with me chimes in.
"Oh yes there is." The captain on the soccer team says.
"Oh yea and what's that?" I ask angrily.
"You killed Carly. We all know how you felt about her." He admits.
"Tell me then, how did I feel about her?"
"You hated her."
"And what makes you think that?" I ask.
"Because everyone knows that you were her little puppy dog. That you followed her around. That you did everything that she wanted. You just wanted her gone so you killed her."

"I can not believe you just said that." I yelled. "You know nothing. Absolutely nothing." I say as I storm out of the room and head  outside.

How dare he accuse me of something like that.
I loved Carly. I never ever thought of myself as her puppy dog. We were best friends. Weren't we?

I thought I killed her but now I am 99.99% sure that I didn't.
The "messenger" did.
The messenger killed my best friend for a unknown reason. But I am determined to figure it out.

No matter what the cost.

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