Chapter twenty four

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When the police car reaches the station 15 minutes later, I still haven't figured out what I'm going to say.

I know somethings for sure:
1. Nick killed Carly
2. I have evidence to use against Nick
3. And Nick deserves to be put in jail

I hear my door click open as the officer allows me to step out then puts my arms behind my back once again.

I take a deep breath as I see Nick being led into the front doors, to the interrogation room in the east wing.

That's about to be me.

My feet shuffle forward as the panic sets in.

What am I going to say? What is Nick going to say? What questions am I going to be asked?

I continue to worry as we reach the glass doors in the front of the building.

The officer to my left opens the door and steps in, with me trailing behind.

The officer walks past the bathrooms to the first room on the right.

I walk closely behind the officer as they lead me to a table accompanied by chairs.

I sit down as the officer settles themselves down in the chair across from mine.

The officer clears her throat before she begins.

"Why was that young boy chasing you?"

"Nick." I whisper. "His name is Nick."

"Nick. Why was Nick chasing you?"

"He-he umm....he kill me."

"Why did he want to kill you?" The brunette officer questions.

"He thought that--that I killed Carly Morris." I breathe.

"What is your name miss?"

"Rachel Davis."

"I thought so." She murmurs to herself. "And you do realize that you are a prime suspect in a murder?"

"Yes I do." I say realizing how stupid I must sound right now.

"Do you have any evidence to prove yourself not guilty?"

I think I do but I could be entirely wrong.


Shock flickers across the officers face quickly before she composed herself again.

"Please present your evidence then."

I take my time as I reach my right hand into my jacket pocket. I clench onto the box as I lift it onto the table.

I look up to see the officers eyebrows furrow together.

I look back down to the little box beside my left thumb.

I flip open the square lid to see the white stationary once again.

I pick up the piece of paper and began to unfold it.

I would never think such a small piece of paper could mean so much.

By now, the stationary is completely unfolded and I begin to read aloud.


If you haven't figured it out by now, you will by the end of  this letter. If there was one thing I've learned its to not trust anyone....but your best friend. And that's you. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could put my trust in someone else. But I was so wrong. I put my trust in the one person who deserved it the least. He was insane, crazy, obsessive. And he tried to kill me. Obviously, I escaped or I wouldn't be here writing this letter to you. Once he realized that he wasn't the only person I trusted, he began to be aggressive. He would always need to know where I was then he would interrogate me afterwards. I thought that he was just being protective. But then things went to the next level. I found pictures of me, just doing random everyday things, like walking the dog or taking out the trash, on his phone. I knew I had to leave. To get out of this relationship. This letter could go on a lot longer but I'll get to the point. This boy I had put my trust in and it was the worst decision I've ever made. He was my boyfriend, at the time, and his name...was Nick Harris. If you ever meet or see him, run Rachel. Run the other way until can't breathe. I know he will try and get to me again, probably try and kill me. And that is why I'm letting you know while I still can. Don't trust anyone, not even yourself. Always remember that you are my best friend and I couldn't imagine anyone better.
Love Carly.

I reach the end of the letter before I realize the tear running down my cheek.

I wipe away the tear before I look up at the officer across from me.

With an expressionless voice they reply.

"That was quite something. But how do I know you didn't just write this for your benefit?"

"Because I have one more thing to show you." I say as I take my phone from my other pocket. I enter my 4 digit passcode and go to my videos.

Again, I look up at the officer, and press play.

As the video plays, I watch the officers expressions.
Confusion. Disbelief. And finally understanding.

When the video ends, I turn my phone back off and put it back into my pocket.

"Well," The officer begins. "That was interesting. And certainly something to take into consideration. This case will need to be reviewed. You will need to stay in the precinct. Your mother will be here shortly." She says as she scoots her chair away from the table.

She points to the door as I rise from my chair.

She leads me to an empty room across the hall with beige walls and a small table with three chairs.

"I will need to have an officer in here with you for safety precautions." The officer says as she exits the room and another officer takes her spot.

The tall man with dark black hair locks the door firmly behind him.

He notions towards the chair with his arm, silently asking me to sit.

I do as told and put my hands on the table.

How long will it take?
Did I plead my case well enough?
I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

As I'm lost in thought, I hear the door handle turn as another officer opens the door.
I'm not sure what's going on until I see my mom follow behind him.

"Mom!" I exclaim.

"Rachel! Oh thank goodness your okay!"

I smile at her as she pulls me into a hug.
But the officer clears his throat and speaks up.
"No touching is allowed."

"Sorry." My mom replies as she lets me go.

My mom and I sit back down at the two chairs on our side of the table.

"Oh honey. You should have said something. I didn't know anything going on."

"It's okay mom."

Not even five minutes later, the door clicks open again and the brunette from the interrogation room returns.

"The decision has been made. Please follow me." She says emotionless and leads my mom and I to another room. But this time it's not empty.

Nick is standing in the far right corner, with officers on both sides.

This is it. This is the decision that will change my life forever.

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