Chap 28 Hang Out

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We arrived at the community centre but we didn't see the guys.
"Lets go inside its a bit chilly this morning"
We nodded then we walked inside. No one was in sight. Hmm i thought the guys would be here by now. Then the lights flickered on and off making the girls grip tight on each of my arms. I looked around not terrified at all. Then the lights went out making the girls scream.
I say as i heard them whimper. I grabbed my phone and turned my flashlight on. I walked around with the girls still holding on to me. Then i heard chuckles making the girls shiver.
"Hello? Is anyone there? If there is you better show yourself!"
I say, then it was silent. The girls were shivering making me turn around. I pointed my phone to the thing in front of me seeing someone with a mask on. I pulled off the girls grip and tackled the person to the ground and held my fist up.
"Who are you?!"
I yell as the lights turned back on seeing Ethan pull me off. The boys took his mask off seeing Ryan.
"Good lord! Don't do that Ryan! I might end up beating you next time"
"For a girl you're strong"
He said in a weak voice as i helped him up. The girls punched The boys arms making them rub that spot. The girls walked over to me and scoffed.
"Sorry, we just wanted to give you a little scare"
Katherin glared at Zack.
"Well it didn't work on me"
I said as the cursed.
"What are you afraid of?"
They asked as my eyes widened.

Me, my mom and my dad were walking through the woods headed towards our cabin. It was pretty late so we had a lantern on held by my mom.
"Isn't it a beautiful night?"
I nodded and smiled. I wrapped my arms around my mom waist giving her a hug.
"Are we there yet?"
"Not yet sweetie"
She smiled at me as i frowned. I ran ahead just a little bit so i could still see some light until i here a crack. We stopped on our trail. I heard a growl right in front of me making me look up. Red beady eyes watched me as its teeth were showing. I moved back slowly. The wolf growled until we saw more behind it. I cried making my mom carry me.
Dad said as mom ran another direction. I looked behind us seeing dad in the middle of the wolf pack. He looked at me, his eyes were watering then he smiled. Then a wolf pounced on him making me sob.
I yelled as the rest of the wolf jumped on him. I cried in my mothers arms as we made it out of the woods.

**End of Flashback**
My eyes were watering making me blink.
"Eunice are you ok?"
I nodded and then wiped my tears away.
"Did i say something wrong?"
Ryan asked as i shook my head.
"I'm fine don't worry,"
They looked at me in a sad emotion.
"Well um what should we do while we're here?"
I asked to break the silence.
"You guys think of something while we talk to Eunice ok?"
Katherin said to them as they nodded. Katherin and Zade walked me outside and we sat on a bench.
"What happened back there?"
She asked as i looked down.
"I'm afraid of wolves"
She asked making me explain to her what happened to my father.
"Thats terrible"
They hugged me making me wipe my tear.
"Well at least you still have your mother"
I nodded.

As the girls left, the boys sat down but i stayed standing. I followed the girls without them knowing out the doors. They sat down on a bench as i opened the door slightly.
"I'm afraid of wolves"
She nodded.
"When i was 5, me, my mom and my dad went on a vacation. But one night, we were walking back to our cabin. I was too eager to get back to the cabin so i ran ahead just a little. But then i heard a growl right in front of me making me shiver and look up. A wolf was standing right in front of me with it red beady eyes staring at me. Its teeth was showing me my mom carry me. My dad yelled run. She ran with my on her shoulder. I watched seeing my dad trapped in the middle of the wolves. He looked at me with his eyes watering. He smiled at me on last time. One of the wolves pounced on him making me yell Daddy! I cried as the rest of the wolves finished him off"
My eye widened as she told that story. Then i closed the door and walked towards the guys and sat down.
"What happened?"
"Um...i don't wanna talk about it"
They nodded as we saw the girls come in smiling. Katherin sat next to Ryan while Zade sat down next to Zack. Eunice sat on a chair by the table we were sitting with.
"So what did you guys have in mind?"
Eunice asked as Zack answered.
"Lets go to the playground"
We all nodded and stood up. I was ahead with the girls and as i walked out the doors we saw 2 guys running towards the playground. I looked at them and then shrugged.

Me and the girls climbed the ropes and sat down on the rope web at the top. We saw the boys spinning each other on the spinning thing. Ryan and Ethan were hanging on while the rest were spinning them. I smiled. I wasn't comfortable so i hung legs on the ropes as i hung upside down. Thats better. I saw the guys walked towards us.
"Eunice give us a lesson about parkour?"
I smiled upside down. Then James walked up to me.
"Stay still ok Eunice?"
I nodded then he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blushed so hard and then i let go the rope and landed on my 2 feet safely.
"Zack dared me to!"
James said as i smiled. I walked towards the monkey bars and climbed up ontop of the monkey bars.
"Ok first you have to deal with balance"
I stood onto a single pole by itself. I just walked straight ahead perfectly. I looked at the boys as there mouths were open. I jumped off and smiled.
"Now you guys try"
Zack cracked his fingers.
"I got this!"
He climbed up onto the monkey bar and then held his hands up. He walked 3 steps and then he fell off.
"Ouch, nice try though"
"You know what i think i'd rather watch you"
James said as i smiled.
I heard Katherin yell as i turned around. Someone put a cloth on my mouth making me squirm but 2 other guys held me still. I used my leg and kicked backward making him let go. I breathed and looked up at him.

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