Chap 20 Gym

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After lunch it was time for gym. I walked out of the change rooms and grabbed a basketball. I started shooting hoops from the 3 pointer line until Ethan called my name. I passed it to him and played defence. He started dribbling the ball. Then he ran up to the hoops until i got the ball from when he dribbled it near the net.
He said as i chuckled. He was defending making me look around him them i tricked him by dribbling to the right so i ran to the left side and ran up to the net and did a layup.
"Watch your language Ethan"
I said as he smiled and laughed. Then Xavier walked in and was already changed. I went back to playing with James, Ethan, Zack, Ryan and Malcolm.

I saw Eunice play basketball then she did a slam dunk.
Jason said as i chuckled.
"Fuck off she's mine"
I said as they smirked at me.
"Don't go fucking girls at the dance Xavier"
Greg said as i chuckled.
"I'll try not to"

Mr. Leopky told me i was on a team with the girls and the boys for the scavenger hunt outside. We were all outside sitting on the grass. Mr. Leopky gave me a piece of paper with the things we needed to find. I rip the paper into 2 pieces. We split up in 2 so i went with the girls and Ethan while the rest of the boys took the other piece of paper and ran into the woods to go look.

I ran with my group in a different direction.
"Eunice, the first thing we need to find i a blue soccer ball"
Ethan said as he put the paper in his pocket. I looked around spotting the ball up in a tree
"Does anyone know how to climb a t-"
Ethan said as i was already climbing the tree. I was on the branch it was on and i grabbed it.
"Heads up!"
I threw the ball towards Ethan as he caught it. I was gonna jump off.
"Wait wait Eunice thats too high to jump off..."
I landed safely.
Ethan said as i smirked and the girls laughed.
"Don't worry Ethan she's fine, she does parkour a lot"
"Really? You've got to teach me"
Ethan said as i chuckled.
"Ok anyways whats next?"
"Um a red t-shirt, a yellow volleyball, an orange and then a black flag."
"Katherin go look for the red t-shirt, Zade go look for the yellow volleyball and Ethan go look for the orange. I'll go look for the black flag. GO!"
We ran in different directions. I climbed up a tree to get a better view then i spotted it right by a pond. I saw a vine making me grab it and and swing onto another tree then i jumped off safely. I ran towards the flag and picked it up. Once i turned around i bumped into someone. Please tell me its not Xavier. I looked up.
"Hey Babe"
He chuckled. Ugh! Why Xavier!
"Go away Xavier"
I yelled at him then walked passed him he tackled me onto the ground.
"Shush babe"
He chuckled again. His hand was covering my mouth as he started to run his hand down onto my thigh. Then he held my bum making me flinch. Tears started to run down my face until i heard my name.
I looked up seeing Jack with James. He ran towards Xavier and pulled him off me and pinned him to a tree. James wrapped his arms around me making me cry.
"You motherfucker! Stay away from my sister! Go fuck someone else!"
He punched him once then Xavier ran off. I was bawling mg eyes out. Jack picked me up and carried me towards the open field. I was hugging him tight crying.
"Sshh i'm here"
Jack said as my cries got quieter. He put me down and checked if i had any bruises. He spotted a cut on the side of my bottom leg. I saw the girls and the rest of the guys run back as Katherin and Zade wrapped their arms around me. I hugged them as Jack dabbed medicine on my leg.
"I hope thats not noticeable for the dance"
Everyone chuckled as Jack finished. He helped my up. The class was over so i was walking with all of them inside. Then i smirked at Jack and jumped onto his back.
"Piggy back ride!"
I giggled making him chuckle and the rest laugh.
"Awe! I wish i could do that with my big brother"
The girls say as i just smile at them. Then Ryan said.
"Katherin get on my back"
She jumped on Ryan's back and then Ryan started to walk. She blushed making me smile.
Zade jumped on Zack's back making him chuckle as everyone laughed. I kissed Jack's head as he started running while everyone followed.

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