Chap 40 Humiliation

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I was walking down the hall towards the cafeteria and then i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and opened the message.

From: Crush
J- Where are you??
E- Calm down we're on our way
J- Ok hurry up!
E- ok Road Runner!

I giggled at the text then i put my phone in my pocket as we walked down the stairs.

As i entered the cafeteria i looked around with the girls stopping at the boys waving at us at the back of the cafeteria. We smiled. The girls walked a little bit ahead as i followed. I looked down on my phone to check something until all of the sudden. SPLAT! I gasped, everyone in the cafeteria burst out laughing as i looked up seeing Bethany snickering. I was covered in gravy and fries. I shook my hand to get rid of the gravy on my hands and i wipe my face.
"Opps sorry...i didn't see you there"
She laughed as i looked down. Tears ran down my face as everyone around me laughed. Then i heard someone stomping towards us.
"Bethany! You bitch!"
I looked up seeing Katherin and Zade help me wipe myself and then i saw James yell at Bethany.
"Why are you defending this nerd James?!"
She yelled as James glared at her.
"Nerd?!? Don't you fucking call her names! You son of a bitch! Stay away from her..."
Then he breathed in.
"You know what...i think you're just jealous"
James said as the crowd ooooohh'd at his comment.
"Jealous?!? Of who? Her?! Ha! Shes nothing but a fat attention hog!"
"Oh so you're calling her an attention hog?! I thing that 'hog' is you!"
Everyone ooooohhhh'd again. Bethany scoffed.
"All you want is Fame and Money so why don't you get a job slut!"
James yelled again as he walked towards me and dragged me out of the cafeteria. My face was all teared up and soiled by the gravy. We stopped in front of the girls bathroom.
"Get yourself cleaned ok?"
He said as i wiped a tear and nodded. I walked into the girls bathroom and washed my hair. Thank god the gravy didn't hit my shirt cause i don't have spares.

I walked out of the bathroom 15 minutes after seeing James sitting on the ground with his back against the lockers. I closed the door and walked towards him sitting next to him.
I said as he looked at me.
"For what?"
"Standing up for me, getting Bethany"
He smiled at me as i smiled back. I looked on my watch. It was only 12:30pm and i haven't had lunch yet.
"Can we get some lunch?"
I asked as he stood up holding his hand out for me. I took it and he helped me up walking me to the cafeteria again.

As i walked in with James, Katherin and Zade ran towards me giving me a hug.
"Ok you're ok"
Katherin said as i smiled and hugged back. They let go. I saw Ethan walk up to me with a tray of food.
He said as he handed the tray to me making me thank him.
"Ok lets eat cause i'm starving!"
Katherin said as i giggled and they walked me to the table without any distractions.

I finished my lunch and i checked my watch. 12:45pm
"Guys lets get ready for Drama"
I said as they nodded and stood up. The auditions are tomorrow so i have to do good and practise tonight. I wonder who Romeo is gonna be?

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