Chap 77 Laughs

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We sat down on the grass in a circle.
"What can stand up straight but has no legs?"
I asked them as they thought.
"Come on, its easy"
I burst out laughing as they didn't even know.
"Ugh! I give up!"
"A snake"
I burst out laughing.
"You guys over think too much."
I smiled.
"Ugh! I could have got that!"
Zack said as i smirked at him.
"Ha! Yea right"
Katherin said as me and the girls laughed. I thought about the note that were put in my locker again. Who the hell knows my combination to my locker? I shook my head.
"Ok anyway lets play truth or dare"
I said as they nodded.
"I ask first!"
I said as they pouted but i smiled.
"Ok Ryan Truth or Dare?"
"Do you know who has been sending me these notes?"
I gave him the note as his eyes widened.
"You can't lie!"
Then he sighed.
"It was from Kaiden"
My eyes widened. Kaiden?
"Its from Kaiden, he has a secret crush on you but now you know so"
Oh my god...i'm so sorry Kaiden.
"Where is he?"
"He's right behind you"
I turned around seeing Kaiden, he smiled at me, i smiled back as he sat down beside Ryan.
"Ok Ryan you can ask now."
I said as he nodded.
"Zack Truth or Dare"
"I dare you to kiss that tree"
He pointed at a tree behind me as Zack's eyes widened.
"What the fuck man! Im not doing that?!"
"Then your such a chicken!"
"Ugh! Fine"
Zack said as he stood up and walked over to the tree. Everyone took out their phones and recorded him kissing the tree. We burst out laughing after he did then he came back wiping his mouth.
"Ugh! I hate you Ryan"
"Your welcome bro"
We laughed as then Zack looked at Kaiden.
"Kaiden truth or dare?"
"I dare you to eat this"
He took out a warhead, the most sourest of them all.
He tossed it to him as he unwrapped it and then put it closer to his mouth. I recorded a new video for his reaction and then he put it in his mouth. Then not even one second he already crunched up his face trying to chew it but it was so sour. Everyone burst out laughing. After a few minutes he got used to it and the sour faded away. I stopped the video.
"When Valentines day again?"
Katherin asked as i face palmed myself.
"Its tomorrow birthday girl"
We giggled as she laughed.

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