Chap 38 Bethany

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The next morning i woke up with James shaking me shoulders.
"Ugh James, go make breakfast!"
I groaned as i heard James chuckle.
"Get up!"
He said as then it was silent in the room until.
"I swear i'll jump on you!"
He threatened as i chuckled.
"Ha! Ya right! You wouldn't dare"
I said back then i heard him jump off something and onto my back. I winced then giggled.
"Ow! Fine i'm up"
I giggled once more then i sat up rubbing my eyes.
"Why did Jack leave me with a crazy man"
I mumbled.
Then i got out of bed and ran into the bathroom to take a shower.


Me and James were walking to school and as i walked onto the stone path leading to the doors i saw Katherin and Zade smiling at me. I waved making them drag me inside.
"Woah why are you guys such in a great mood?"
I giggled as they smiled at me.
"Come on, we're gonna be late for cla-"
I bumped into someone. She cursed. She scoffed.
"You fucking bitch!"
She was gonna slap me until Katherin slapped her hard.
"You better stay away from us or else that hand i slapped you with will turn into a bloody fist!"
She yelled as Bethany chuckled.
"You better watch that mouth sweetheart cause you don't know who you're messing with"
Bethany said as she chuckled and walked off. I was stomping behind her until i was pulled back by Zade.
"Woah woah woah there feisty pants, we'll get her another time"
She said as i calmed myself and walked the girls to our lockers.

It was math class so i grabbed my binder and notebook with a pen and pencil and i walked into the class. I saw Ethan and Malcolm wave at me as i saw James beside an empty seat with them. I smiled and sat beside James and Malcolm.
They said as i smiled.
"Ok class open you're books and lets get started.

I was in the middle of writing notes down until my shoulder was tapped. I looked to my side seeing Malcolm.
"I didn't do it!"
He whispered/shout.
"Then who?"
I asked as he pointed at Ethan staring at us.
"What Malcolm don't lie to her!"
Then they argued whispering/shouting.
"Ethan Malcolm please sit far away from each other on a different table"
The teacher said as they moved i went back to writing the notes with James by my side.
"Are they always like that?"
James asked me as i nodded and he smiled.

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