Chap 85 Smile!

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I was all changed. I was wearing black sweatpants with a grey shirt. I tied my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen, i opened the fridge and took out milk. I placed the carton on the counter. I grabbed a bowl and a spoon from the cabinet. I walked over to the fridge again and reached for the top for my cereal. I got it and walked back to the counter. As i poured in my cereal and milk James walked in. He was wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt saying 'Friday' on it. I smiled at him.
"Yea what a great start to the day"
I grinned as he chuckled and opened the fridge. I took my bowl of cereal and took it to the dining room. I sat down and placed my bowl on the table and began to take spoon fulls. James followed with cereal as well. I grinned.
"You still laughing inside cause of that?"
He asked me as i nodded and giggled. 


Me and James finished our breakfast. James walked upstairs to go to the bathroom leaving me sitting in the dining room. I saw his bag sitting on his chair. I grinned and took bis bag. I opened the bag and an air horn inside. When he reaches in, he'll pressed the button causing it to make the airhorn noise. I smiled and closed his bag. I put it back sitting on his chair.
"James! Come on!"
"Im here!"
I handed him his bag as i stood up. As planned he opened his bag and reached in. I covered my ears. Then i heard the airhorn go off making James jump and throw his bag. I burst out laughing. He looked at me and chuckled.
"Ugh! Stop that!"
I wiped off a tear from laughing.
"Come on"
I handed him his bag again. He stepped back.
"What else are you planning on doing!?!?"
"Theres only an airhorn in your bag."
I giggled as he took the bag and looked inside.
"Come on!"
I grabbed his hand and dragged him out.


James held the door for me as i thanked him and walked inside.

I saw James hold the door open for Eunice. I smiled as Eunice smiled at him and walked in. Today was the day James was going to ask her. Ask her something he should have asked her a long time ago. Me and Zade smiled at each other.
"I wonder how he's gonna ask her"
Zade squealed as i smiled.
"However he's gonna do it...its gonna be amazing."
Zade smiled. Eunice walked over to us with the cutest smile.
"Hi Zade. Hi Katherin"
She greeted as i smiled at her.
"Hi Cupid's Daughter!"
I said as she giggled.
"I'll see you later ok?"
James said behind her as she nodded and waved bye. She looked back at us as we were just grinning at her.
"Nothing come on!!!! We're gonna be late for English!"
I said as i took her hand and dragged her to class.

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