I have a little something I like to call my trip to Dr. Lane. It is not a person, book, aquatic animal, land creature, or any other type of lifeform other than I k ow it 'lives' to drive me batshit and make my life more difficult than ever needed.
Example one : Do you remember me telling you about having my tonsils out FIVE days before I started a summer job?
Example two : waking up in the middle of the night 80% sure they fucked something up because you felt like you were dying and know for a fucking FACT you do not have strep and if they had tested for it they would know.
And what do these two events have to do with Dr. Lane....
I found out that im getting my wisdom teeth out two days before school started.
The Book Of Females
Chick-LitBy females for females! Things we think but don't say. Relatable and funny, weird or strange and the damn right outrageous! ~Somehow this flipping thing ended up like a journal... Still not sure how that happened. ~