IV. Girl Talk

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Hiro's POV

The first day of class is over and it's full of shit.

So now I already know that my senior year is ruined. But this whole day at school, I always caught Tadashi looking at me or even staring at me well I don't know, maybe he's looking at me because he hates me because of my attitude. If that's the case, now we're even and that's good.

Honey, Gogo and I headed to our cafe.

Aunt Cass saw me opened the door and she attacked me with a hug.

"Oh Hiro!!" She said while hugging me.

"Hey aunt Cass, I-I cant breath" I said gasping for air.

Aunt Cass let go of the hug. "Oh sorry dear, well how's your first day?"

"Well, It didn't went out well" I said while rubbing my arm.

"Oh I didn't notice Honey and Gogo here!! c'mere and give me a hug" Aunt Cass said to the girls and hugged them.

"Oh I missed this two girls" she said while hugging Honey and Gogo.

"Oh we missed you too" They said in unison.

Aunt Cass let of the hug "So do you want anything then?"

"We want a milk tea and a cupcakes" I said.

"Ok, take a seat over there" She pointed at the vacant three chairs and a table beside the window.

The three of us seated. We talked about some thing's happened in the school earlier.

"So Hiro, how's Tadashi Hamada?!" Honey asked and grinned evilly.

I raised an eyebrow at her "I don't know!! I don't care about him!!"

"I think he's always looking at you huh?" Gogo said and also grinned evilly.

I looked at them with a weird look because they're both grinning evilly looking like evil villains.

"Ugh can you two stop that?! And no he's not looking at me" I denied because deep inside of my thought I know that he's looking at me I just don't want to assume because I hate him.

"Oh really?! Then why are you blushing?!" Honey said trying to resist her fangirl attitude.

"No. Honey. And why would he? I already showed my bitchy attitude at him, so he knows that I hate him" I said trying not to led my blood boil at my bffs.

"Hiro, I think Tadashi is a nice person, he talked to me when you go to the comfort room earlier. He asked about the things we should bring tomorrow, and I didn't find anything about it, he's even stuttering when he's talking" Honey explained.

"Yuh, Hiro, we really can't find Tadashi's bad attitude" Gogo added.

"I don't hate his attitude, I hate his appearance, his face, his height, and, and ugh!! I HATE HIS EXISTENCE" I said and shouted at the end. I hate him really, because of the competition thing, I know I'm smarter than him, but I don't know why I got terrified.

"Hiro, if you hate him that much, then we're fine with it, huh! I know someday you'll gonna have feelings with him" Honey said and squeeled.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard what she said feelings? Huh? Seriously? Then Tadashi's face suddenly popped at my head. My face felt hot.

Honey is fangirling and she's like murduring Gogo.

"Aand w-why is that?" I said nervously. Why am I getting nervous because I know that there's a zero chance that I'm gonna have feelings with him.

"It's because I believe about the qoute 'the more you hate, the more you love'!! And look! Your face is very red right now" Honey said and handed out a petite mirror at me.

I looked into her mirror and I saw my face and It's red.

I sighed in defeat. "This is nothing okay?" I lied

Aunt Cass handed the milk teas and cupcakes at our table and we thanked her.

After aunt Cass headed to the counter. "Can we please stop this topic because I really don't want to have a headache!!" I said.

Suddenly I saw Tadashi outside walking at the streets and he entered at the cafe.

Honey Lemon saw him too "Oh my God Hiro!!! Speaking of the devilll!!" She said resisting her fangirl.

I looked at Tadashi, aunt Cass is talking at him asking his order. He bought a coffee and a box of donuts.

He turned his head at our direction and I immediately looked away.

Gogo and Honey waved, I guess they're waving at Tadashi. Their eyes widened and looked at me. I saw in my peripheral that Tadashi is at my left side. My heart is beating fast and I hold my chest trying to stop it.

"Hey Honey, Gogo, a-and Hiro" He said.

Honey and Gogo replied.

I just took a bite at the cupcake and sipped a milk tea.

"Hey Hiro show some manners to Tadashi!!" Honey said acting like my mother.

I swallowed the cupcake "Sorry I'm busy eating, and oh Tadashi I'm not up for greeting you, so you can get out of my sight now" I said not looking at him and munched the cupcake again.

Honey and Gogo's eyes widened because of what I said. I did that so he knows that I hate him.

I looked at him and saw a sadness on his face "o-okay then, I-I have to go, see you tomorrow Honey, Gogo" he said and headed outside.

My heart felt a little hurt when I saw his face ugh hiro you idiot why did you have to look at him!!

"Hiro!! Why did you do that?!" Honey said.

I smiled at her "I did that so I can show to him and also to the both of you that I hate him".

"Ugh Hiro!!, we know you're unstoppable, I guess we're gonna have to take that you hate him" Honey said in defeat.

"But we don't hate him Hiro" Gogo said.

"It's fine with me, just finish your cupcakes it'll get cold" I said to them.

After they finished their food Honey checked at her wrist watch. "Oh Hiro, it's already 5:45 I have to go, because I have to help mom with the dinner" Honey said and stood up.

"Oh yeah I forgot, papa will cook ramen for dinner! I have to go too" Gogo said and stood up.

I sighed at them "okay it's already dawn, you have to go home" I hugged them and headed outside. I waved at them when they're walking at the streets until they're out of my sight.

I headed to upstairs to my room and changed my school uniform into a red t-shirt and pajamas.

I lay down on my bed and hugged my pillow.

I really don't know why I felt hurt when I saw his face, ugh please stop it Hiro!! You hate him and you can't feel a single thing at him!! Ugh I want to talk to him, but this can't be undone, I have to stay my attitude towards him, only him!!


Hello guys a chapter is done blah blah blah sorry if the process of the story is slow I'll add up more scenes in the next chapter. Just tell me your opinion by commenting and do not forget to vote


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