IX. Rooftop

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Hiro's POV

I opened the door to the rooftop and I guess no one's here.

The wind is so strong and it's blowing my hair.

I can see the rest of San Fransokyo here at the top that's why the three of us likes to eat our lunch here.

"Hey Hiro!" Someone just called me. I turned my head where the voice came from.

I saw clark sitting at the very top which you'll just climb on a metal ladder.

"Oh hi Clark! What are you doing here?" I asked him

"You what are you doing here?" He said

"I always eat my lunch here"

"Good timing, I'm hungry" he said and he just jumped from above.

"Woah, are you killing yourself?!" I said because I was shocked of what he did

"I just have a good ability, and uhm yeah just like that" he said i guess this guy's always using his brawn.

"Seriously, what are you doing here?" I asked him for the second time.

"I didn't attend my first class and I've been here for a few hours" he said.

"You really are keeping the good work" I said.

We both sat down beside the door.

I opened my bento and I saw sushi, tempura, sausages and two rice ball.

Clark suddenly grabbed the other rice ball and took a bite on it which is weird. I just met him earlier and he's feeling close with me

"We just met and you ate my other rice ball!!" I said a bit louder at him because I really love rice ball.

"I already consider you as my friend and this would be your payment because I helped you when you tripped earlier" he said.

"Nice strategy huh?" I said "Didn't you brought any money or lunch?"

"Nah, I don't have a family to give money and cook for me" he said

"Y-you don't have any family? Then how do you manage to survive?" I said literally.

"When I was four, my family got in a car accident because they will gonna pick me up at school. I lost my mom, my dad and my little brother. I didn't consider myself lucky at all" he said emotionless.

"Then who's or taking care of you?" I asked

"After the accident. I turned to be an orphan because both of my parent's relatives are unknown and untraceable, so there's this rich man who adopted me. He took care of me but he died when I was fourteen. Before he died he said that I will inherit his money when I reach the age of twenty" he said.

"How old are you?" I asked him

"I'm nineteen" he replied

"So how do you get money when your foster parent died?"

"I work on part-time jobs" he said

"How much is your income?"

"Right amount but sometimes I'm not payed for a month"

"Where do you work right now?"

"I work as a pizza delivery guy" he said and he sounded proud

"Woah, I guess you're a hardworking guy huh?" I said and that kinda turns me on

"Well not much, because I usually got fired, I just started as a pizza delivery guy three weeks ago" he said

"How about I offer you a job at our cafe" I said to him

"What cafe?" He replied

"The lucky cat cafe, my aunt needs more barista"

Clark laughed "I already worked there when I was seventeen"

I got surprised from what he said

"Are you serious?! But how come I didn't saw you when the time you're working at our cafe"

"I work there every monday and friday at ten am to 3 pm"

"Oh yeah, but why did you stop working at our cafe?"

"She's your aunt right? She fired me because I wasn't trained to be a barista"

"Aunt cass doesn't train her baristas so she will really fired you" I said "and I guess you're working fine at your job right now"

"Well not that fine, it's just that I am used at riding a motorcycle" he said

"I think we talk alot, my food is already cold" I said and tasted my sushi "yuck, I really hate cold foods"

"If you don't want it then I can have it" he said and he's about to get my bento box

"Fine, you can have it, I'm not that hungry afterall" I said because I'm still not in the mood to eat because of what happened earlier.

Clark started to eat. I looked at him while he's eating and I laughed because he looks really hungry.

He looked at me and I was surprised so I immediately look away.

"You know you can have some because this is your, here have some sausage" he said. He's holding the sausage with the chopstick and forcing me to eat it.

"Clark, I'm not a kid who you can force to eat" I said and rolled my eyes but deep in my feelings I felt butterflies in my stomach which it annoys me.

"Come on, Hiro, you can eat just a little" he said while still holding out the sausage at me "now my arm is going numb"

I can't resist it because I'm hungry.

He puts the sausage in my mouth gently and it tastes good (don't think dirty pls haha)

I chewed the sausage and swallowed it.

"Can I have some sushi" I said

Clark nodded and puts the sushi on my mouth.

I think we act like a couple here, but I'm hungry and too lazy to eat.

We finished the bento box and stood up.

"I have to go Clark, I still have classes to attend" I said and about to go down

"Wait, I'll come with you, I have attend my classes too" he said.

We both go down to the fourth floor.

We two walked at the hallway to our room. Everyone was looking at us and whispering something to each other.

I got annoyed and raised an eyebrow to those who are looking at us and suddenly they looked away and stopped whispering to each other.

"I guess, I'll be seeing you here Hiro" he said and he opened the door of their classroom.

"See yah" I said and he entered his room.

I headed to my classroom and I saw my classmates but Honey and Gogo are still not here.

I sat on my chair and Tadashi, of course was on my right side playing something on his phone.

"Hey!" I shouted at him

"Yeah?" He said and removed his attention from his phone

"Where's Honey and Gogo?" I asked

"Oh yeah, they said that won't be attending the next class because they've been elected as an officer at their club" he said

"Okay fine thanks for the info" I said whoa what?! Did I just thanked him?! What the fuck maybe I was getting kind when Clark was around. Ugh I don't have to be kind infront of my enemy, It's okay if it's Clark or Honey and Gogo.


It's weekend so I'll update more!!! Hihihi

I guess Hiro's bitchy attitude is changing because of Clark. But I think I ship them too Cliro hahahahahaha ugh. Bye!! Dont forget to vote and tell me your opinion on the comment section


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