XIV. Regina George

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Hiro's POV

It's a fucking Tuesday, and it means that Clark wouldn't be at school.

I came in at our classroom. Well this time, I'm not late because yesterday would only be my record. And I really hate having a B on my report card. Aunt Cass is fine with it but me, I would be disappointed at myself.

I checked my wrist watch. it says 7:37 am. Too early Hiro.

 I sat at my table. Thank God Tadashi is still not here, because I know he comes ten minutes before the clock strikes at eight. Why do I know about his arrival to school? ugh duh.

Honey Lemon and Gogo are already here. They're talking with Fred and Wasabi. Honey was saying something to them and they suddenly laugh. When did those two start being friends with Fred and Wasabi?! Do they really think it's already the end of our friendship?. At first I really don't want to admit that we three are over and now this!? They already created a new friend not friend I think they're creating a group. I felt like a loser not saying that we three are over. Ugh. What an idiot Hiro. Well it looks like they don't need me and also I think they doesn't consider me as their best friend anymore. Let's call it. We're officially over.

Miss Lia came in to the classroom. Suddenly everyone sat on their designated seats, like the whole room transformed.

"Good morning Class" She put her bag on the table and started putting out the whiteboard pen and eraser.

"Good Morning Miss Lia" Everyone said in a monotonous tone.

The door suddenly opened. Tadashi was standing outside and he's panting

"Goodmorning Ma'am, I'm sorry I'm late!" He said while he's huffing.

Miss Lia turns her head at Tadashi's direction where he is standing and leaning on the door

"Seat, Tadashi. Don't worry I'm already used of you being five minutes late or so in my class"

Tadashi nodded "Thank you Ma'am" and He sat on his chair beside me.

I observed while he's preparing his things. He suddenly froze. He looked at me and smiled. "G-good morning Hiro!"

My eyes widen but I shrugged it off "Yeah" and I looked away at him.

Miss Lia was writing something on the board. "Today would be your graded recitation and I'm hoping that each one of you is ready for this" She said and everyone groaned like their day is already ruined and fucked up.

Seriously, everyone thinks that Class A are like "yeah!" when we have a graded recitation but in reality they're the same just like in the lower classes. But me? No. I'm always ready.

Miss Lia is done writing on the board. She wrote the date of the semestral exam and it's still on December which is two months away. Here in SFH the fifth month of our school year has a Semestral and Final Exam and after the examination, our report card will be given to us and it must be signed by a parent or guardian.

Miss Lia sat on her chair. She took out her class list. "Okay. I'll call your surname randomly and I'll ask a question that is connected to the lesson that you all tackled for the whole three months".

I sat on my chair calmly and I feel so confident about this while everyone looks so tense. I turned my head to the right and looked at Tadashi. And he doesn't have any expression on his face. I think he's ready for this ugh. I want him to fail so badly!! when will he fail? for god's sake. I gritted my teeth from anger and I feel like he's up to steal my spotlight. This time you won't be.

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