XX. The Real You

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Hiro's POV

I was staring at the window where I can see clouds moving on one direction, the sky is blue, the clouds are covering the sun and some birds are flying above. It's like the sky is peaceful.

"Hiro" Someone said.

"Hamada, Hiro Hamada" I remove my gaze on the window and look at the person who called my name. It was Miss Lia, her hands where in her chest and her left eyebrow is raising also my classmates are looking at me. I realized that I was dozing off.

"It looks like you have a sudden interest on the clouds" She said.

"I'm so sorry Miss Lia, I wasn't paying attention" I said and I let out a sheepish smile.

"This is the first time that you didn't paid attention to me" and then she resumed speaking about human anatomy.

Miss Lia was right, this is the first time that I doze off. I was thinking very deep on how I will confront Clark. Today is Wednesday and he's at school.

Yesterday, Tadashi and I talked about him and some other things that shouldn't have happened.

I kissed Tadashi on the lips by accident and I kissed Tadashi on the cheeks accidentally like I didn't mean to and I really hate myself.

I looked at him and he was taking notes. Hmph a professional like me doesn't have to do that. I know all of the parts of the human. Well wanna know my secret on how I got higher grades on my test without reviewing? I just read a lot of books on the lessons that we will take for the whole year because every first day of school year our subject teachers is obliged to right the syllabus for the school year on the white board and students have to copy it. And also I'm a gifted kid that's why I've always got higher grades.

I was observing Tadashi on how he take notes. He was looking at Miss Lia while he's biting the tip of his pen ew and after a minute he will going to write something on his notebook.

"Hiro, If you wanted to sit closer beside Tadashi, I don't mind" She said and now her hands where on her hips and she's smirking.

"What do you mean Ma'am!?" I said and let out a sarcastic laugh. I was really embarrassed because everyone is looking at me, Honey and Gogo we're smiling widely. I looked at Tadashi and he was covering his mouth, he's also blushing and looking at me. My chest was pumping really fast and my hands are starting to get sweaty.

"Because you were staring at Tadashi and still you're not paying attention to me"

"I'm so sorry because I was really bothered by Tadashi while he's biting his pen, it ticks me off"

Everyone suddenly turned quiet and they're all looking at me.

Miss Lia sighed and shook her head slowly "Hiro, I wanted you to come to the faculty after your last subject" She said and she resumed writing something on the white board. My classmates also turned their head back to the white board.

I face palmed and sighed That is so fucking embarrassing. I hope she won't scold me for this.

I glanced at Tadashi and he was smiling while he's writing Ugh it's really embarrassing.

After a half an hour Miss Lia said her goodbye and headed outside of the room.

Honey and Gogo suddenly looked at me. They let out an evil grin at me

"What!?" I demanded

They moved their eyes to the right trying to point at Tadashi.

I looked at him and he was smiling while he's fixing his things.

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