XXX. Snow Storm

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Hiro's POV

Today should be the sports fest, but unexpectedly a snow storm came. At our school, sports fest is always held every last week of January since it seldom snows here in our state. And now classes are suspended because of the snow storm.

I tucked myself on my thick blanket, and it's the thickest one because it's so cold, the vicks inhaler is the only one that I can rely on today since I have colds when I woke up earlier.

"Hiro have some ginger tea" Aunt Cass said and she headed back downstairs.

Aunt Cass has been here for four times, making me all kinds of drinks. Earlier when I woke up she made me coffee, then at twelve she made me hot chocolate, at one thirty she made me hot milk and now this. All I did today was just lie down on my bed and tuck myself inside my warm and thick blanket. My phone kept on buzzing beside me on the lamp table and it seems like the gang is chatting all day since they're not doing anything. And now I'm tired of sleeping and tucking myself inside this blanket, I decided to open my phone. I have 671 unread messages on messenger and 8 missed calls from Tadashi?

I don't want to open the group chat icon because I know it's full of mess in there. I just called Tadashi and ask why he called me.

His phone is ringing and after a few seconds he answered immediately "Hey Hiro!" my body suddenly cringe when I heard his deep voice over the phone.

"Why did you call me?" I asked in a groggy voice and also my throat is not in condition today.

"Oh" He laughed "I just wanted to ask if you're okay and safe"

My heart is beating faster and my body is starting to get warmer "O-oh yeah, I'm okay, we're okay here, it's just so freaking cold"

"I know!" He said and laughed again. Tadashi really sounds like a dad most of all whenever his on the phone. This is our first phone call, he called me a lot but I'm always not answering it since the last time, we're still not in good terms with each other. And now my heart is reacting on the phone call and my body can't keep still.

"So what are you doing all day?" I asked him.

"Here, just lying on my bed playing with mochi"

I gasped when I heard mochi's name "Can you put mochi over the phone? I want to hear his cute meow" Suddenly he turned silent "Mochi, meow meow" I laughed when he mimicked the cat's meow. After a few seconds I heard a cute meow.

I squealed over the phone "Oh my God that is the cutest meow I've ever heard, I really wanted to see him"

Tadashi laughed with his deep voice "You will see him, don't worry"

"Okay, you said it, no turning back now"

"Yeah I promise. But what are you doing right now?"

"Same on what you're doing"

Tadashi laughed on the phone again "It's really boring right now, I hope it didn't snow"

"Yeah. What if it didn't snow and the sports fest is pushed through, are you going to participate on a team?"

"Oh yeah, I already joined the baseball team last month. I know it's a bit late but I still can play on three games this summer"

I gasped because I didn't know that Tadashi is a varsity in our school "You're a baseball player?"

Tadashi laughed at my reaction "I just wanted to keep it to myself but since we're close I should tell you. And now you have to watch my games this summer"

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