Meeting the Boys

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The sky was stormy, fluffy grey clouds covering the sun. I sat on my window seat and stared at the sky, wishing to be outside. But I couldn't. I was terrified to go outside. What would someone do if they saw my ugly face?

The door creaked open behind me and I turned around, seeing Samm. She had a plate of food and was smiling at me.

"It's just some steak and corn. I'm making brownies now if you want some later?" She asked, setting the plate down on my nightstand before sitting on my bed.

I nodded happily. I loved brownies.

"Thanks." I slurred, grabbing the fork and starting to eat.

She stared at me for a second so I stopped and looked back at her. What now? Usually after she gave me my food she left. We stared at each other before she finally cleared her throat.

"You remember Niall, right?"

Niall. Her boyfriend who's in a boy band. I think he had blonde hair and blue eyes. They started dating once she went on tour with them as their opening act. I would always walk in on her talking to him. One time I almost walked in on them Skyping. That would have been bad. Samm doesn't want them to know about me. Not that I blame her.

If you saw me, you wouldn't want to know me either.

"Yeah...." Where was this going? We usually didn't talk about boyfriends.

"They have a little stop in their tour here in town, so I suggested that they stay here for that time." She explained quickly.

My breath caught. Five boys, that I didn't even know, staying here in my house? In the same house as me? They would live, speak, breathe, and eat underneath me. They could hurt me. They could hurt Samm.

"No... no no no!" I begged, grabbing her hands. She couldn't do this. Anything could happen while they were here. She needed to understand that!

"Morgan you need to stop this," She whispered. "It's been over a year. You need to start... living again."

"And you think bringing five strange boys into our house is going to help that?" I said harshly.

"Yes. I do, as a matter of fact. You need to start socializing again."

Tears welled in my eyes, "I can't do this. Please, Samm, please! Don't make them come here. Please."

 She stared at me for a while before sighing.

"I never told them about you. If you want, you can stay in your room all day and at night, I'll bring up your food," Before she finished I was nodding my head along. Yes. That could work. I wouldn't have to see them and they won't even know I'm there. It'll be perfect. "Just be quite. They're really curious."

She hugged me tightly and I closed my eyes. She was the only person I could hug. Not even my mom could come near me. I guess he messed me up pretty good. I hated him for it. I couldn't hug my dad without thinking he was going to stab my back. Literally.

"Get some rest. The boys are going to be here tomorrow morning." She said before pecking my forehead and leaving my room.

I watched as she left before looking back out the window. It had cleared up a little and small ray of sunlight peeked out of the grey. Maybe everything will be alright, I thought as I climbed into bed and closed my eyes.

I wouldn't have to see the boys. They wouldn't even know I'm here. Everything would be fine.




I woke up to the slamming of doors and laughter. I flinched when I realized it was a man's. I slowly dragged myself out of bed and shuffled towards the window, peeking out through my curtains. Two black limos were parked out front and I saw Samm helping a blonde get luggage and bring it inside.

The boys were here. They were officially in my house. I tried to calm down my breathing and decided that a shower could help. After my shower, I got dressed in some simple black sweats and a tank top.

I walked back towards the window to see the limos gone. I bit my lip and looked at my door. They were in my house. I heard laughter and the sound of pots clinging. Samm must be making break feast.

I grabbed my iPod and laid down on bed, closing my eyes as One Republic's soothing voice dragging me into sleep.




"This little piggy went to the market."

"NO! STOP, PLEASE, STOP! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE!" Annabell sobbed, her body racking as she threw her head back and clawed at him.

He was knelt over her with his butcher knife, singing a song as he cut off each of her toes. I was hidden behind my boyfriend, clenching my eyes shut and trying to block out her screams of torture.

"But this little piggy is hungry!"


I whimpered and buried my face deeper into my boyfriend's back. Why was this happening to us? We did nothing wrong. All we did was go to class. Why were we being punished?

"Does Ms. Morgan not like this?" He cooed at me.

I shook my head fiercely, hoping that would make him stop. I would do anything to let Annabell go.

"Too bad!" He cackled like a maniac before going back to Annabell.




I sat up in bed with a gasp. I was drenched in sweat and I looked outside, realizing it was dark. I grimaced as my cheek throbbed.

Every once in a while I would still have nightmares of that day. It wouldn't leave my mind, I knew, but it's been a year. Wasn't that long enough? I started to cry, thinking of Annabell always made me do that.

I got out of bed and slowly opened my door, making sure no one was in the hallway. I walked towards Samm's bedroom and pushed the door open, but she wasn't inside. It looked like no one had been in the room yet.

I bit my lip, looking down the stairs. I couldn't go back to sleep, not after that dream. Maybe Samm is still up? I pushed my hair so it was over my shoulder and hiding my face. Thankfully it was dark so if someone did see my scar, it was still hidden. I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, and looked down. I saw a foot with a sock on it. They must have fallen asleep down stairs around the TV.

I poked my head around the corner to see Samm on the couch asleep with a blonde. Three guys were asleep on the floor with blankets over their bodies. The last one was on the single chair with a beanie on his curly head and vibrant green eyes.

And  you want to know how I knew that?

Because he was awake and staring right at me.

Hope you all liked it. Updates are every Wednesday.




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