That's Nice Now Go To Sleep

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The moon never seemed more beautiful. It lit up my room like a flashlight and managed to make everything seem okay. For a moment I forgot why I was locked in my room, why I was even holding my gun in the first place. When I came to the realization that I had freaked out, I quickly put the safety on and shoved it back into my drawer.

I had attacked Samm and someone else. I had screamed and had relapsed into the fear stage. I didn't mean too, the man had just appeared out of nowhere and scared the living daylights out of me. I didn't have time to think before I was up and running towards my room. Strange men appearing out of nowhere were a big no-no in my book.

I wanted to go back downstairs and apologize, but I was too embarrassed and a little frightened at the thought of the man still being down there. Harry, freaking Harry, had seen me at my worst. I was probably hated more by Niall for attacking his girlfriend and any friendship I had going with the other boys was demolished the moment I freaked. I was that crazy girl again. I was that lonely, crazy girl, who would never be accepted back into society- or even try to be accepted back into society.

I slowly got out of bed, ignoring the pain in my stiff muscles. How long had I been upstairs? I didn't bother to check the time and jumped into the shower, letting the heat soothe the knots in my back. I brushed my hair as I paced around my room, wearing one of my old shirts and shorts. I bit my lip in anxiety, scenarios of what was happening down stairs running through my mind. What was Samm doing? We may have made up for the time my parents were here but I didn't dare think that she wouldn't try and lay a move on Harry. Than an even worse thought occurred. Would he even stop her?

Stop being so insecure and paranoid. Harry is a grown man and can make his own decisions. Hopefully he'll make the right decision and not turn into back stabbing bitch like my old best friend. Hopefully.

I took deep breaths and closed my eyes, trying to calm my nerves. I was jittery and I bit my lip in anger when I couldn't keep my hand still enough to put my hair up. I wanted to run downstairs and put up a fight for Harry, to put up a fight for me. I was the one trying to prove a point here. I was ready for the life out side of this house. Or so I wanted to be. I wanted to do something about my pathetic life, that was for sure.

There were three soft taps against my door and I jumped in shock, my head whipping around to watch the door.

"Morgan? It's me, Harry." He barely finished his sentence before I had yanked the door open and fell into his arms. I clutched him tightly, embracing his vanilla scent and warm body. He hugged me tightly, shuffling us forward and closing the door. In seconds he had me in his arms and carried me over to the bed, sitting down so I was cradled in his lap like a child.

I finally looked up.

"Oh my God! Did I do that to you? I am so sorry!" I cried when I saw four red gashes down his left cheek. He had been the person to try and hold me and I had attacked him. "I didn't mean to hurt anybody!"

"Babe, it's okay-" He tried to say, his eyes kind and forgiving.

"No it isn't! I hurt you. Here, let me look at it." I didn't bother for a reply, shifting in his hold so I was straddling him and peering down at the gashes. They weren't open and bleeding- thank God- and he didn't seem to be in any pain. It looked like someone had already taken a look at them and cleaned them up. I bit my lip at the thought of my nails, my own hand, doing that to him.

"Morgan." His voice was raspy, his eyes dark.

I whimpered, "You're mad, aren't you? I knew it! I shouldn't have thought I was better. I didn't mean to hurt your or Samm, Harry you have to believe me!"


"No, don't say anything! I know that you don't want to deal with me but I promise I will get better. I'll even go to that smelly therapist my mom recommended. I'll do anything, Harry, just please don't leave me." I begged, clutching his shirt collar tightly.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Don't say that! I can work on it, I prom- Wait, what did you just say? You're not leaving me?" I backtracked, his sentence sinking in.

"I would never leave you, Morgan," He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, our chests flushed against each other. I finally realized how sexual our position was and I blushed when I felt something hard poke against the inside of my thigh. Hello there. "I'm not mad at you, no one is. No one can blame you for what happened. Paul came out of nowhere and your reaction was expected."

"Not even Niall?" I asked in shock.

"Not even Niall." Harry confirmed, a smile playing at his lips.

My own smile appeared. All that worrying for nothing. Harry was still mine; he still hadn't given up on me.

"I thought you would leave me." I whispered, letting out my deepest insecurity.

"You have to understand it when I say, I will never leave you. No matter how much you hurt me or how scared you are," He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. His green orbs held nothing but sincerity. "You are mine, Morgan."

My breath caught as he leaned forward, his lips brushing against mine. I let my eyes flutter shut, my body taking over. The kiss was sweet and made me feel safe. His hands were placed at me waist, his nails digging slightly into my skin. I didn't mind though, actually enjoying the feeling. It made things feel more real. The kiss soon turned into something more, the sweetness disappearing and pure hunger taking over.

His hands roamed over my body and clutched at the hem of my shirt. I didn't bother to stop him as he ripped it off, his eyes devouring my body with one sweep. I didn't feel the least bit insecure and surged forward, catching his lips with mine. He ran his hands through my damp hair, tugging on it slightly, enticing a moan out of my parted lips. His shirt was off in seconds and he fell back onto the bed. I ran my hands down his toned stomach, enjoying the view. Harry licked his lips, his dark eyes scanning over my face before flipping us over, his arms on either side of my head. We were both breathing heavily, my legs tightly wrapped around his hips. His necklace dangled between us, the silver glinting in the light.

"We need to stop." He panted.

"Why?" I purred and wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't want to stop. This feeling in my stomach was so great and it made me want more.

"I want our first time to be special." He breathed and swooped down, giving my cheek a soft kiss.

He made a move to crawl off of me but I kept my legs locked tightly around him and pouted, "Stay with me tonight? Please?"

"No need to ask twice, princess."

I beamed at the nickname and quickly discarded my shorts, not bothering to get dressed again. Harry also kicked off his jeans and climbed into bed beside me, pulling me to his chest and encasing us in my warm blanket. I sighed in content and hugged his arms tighter around me.

Just as I was slipping into the place between sleep and awareness, I remembered what I had wanted to tell Harry in the first place. I nudged him softly, not wanting to forget and have him surprised tomorrow.

"Hmmm." He moaned, half asleep.

"Harry... Are you awake?"

"I am now."

"I need to tell you something."

"Can't it wait 'till morning? I'm tired." He groaned, throwing an arm over his face.

"My parents are coming tomorrow."

"That's nice. Go to sleep now."

"You're not nervous?"

"For what?"

I groaned and gave up trying to tell him. I knew it was futile at this time of night and with him half asleep, but still, it was the thought that count right? I just hoped he wouldn't be mad when my parents showed up tomorrow afternoon.

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