Meeting The Cox's

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"It's nice to finally meet you, honey." Anne Cox said as she enveloped me in a tight hug.

"You too, Mrs. Cox." I said, hugging her just as tight if not more. Something about her screamed home and comfort.

"Please, call me Anne. Harry darling, get the bags. I'll show Morgan where you'll be staying." Anna said, dismissing her son.

Harry rolled his eyes before stepping out of the house, Anne leading me further into it. I noticed pictures of Harry and an older girl who resembled him. I figured that was his older sister, Gemma who he always talked about. Harry actually spoke about his family all the time and I felt like I already knew them.

"Gemma! Robin! Morgan's here!" She shouted into the silent house.

I moved in with Harry yesterday and he decided that we needed a break from life. So, we decided together to finally visit his parents. My birthday was tomorrow and I decided that all I wanted to do was cuddle with Harry and watch movies. He had cancelled the surprise party he was going to through for me (it wasn't a surprise when I saw the Tweet Louis had put out about it) and we drove the five hours to Holmes Chapel.

A girl with long brown hair and a warm smile stepped out before us and hugged me tightly. I learned early on that the Styles' were hugging people. I could see an older man walk beside Anne and give me a one armed hug.

"It's nice to meet you." Gemma said.

"You too. I've been wanting to meet you forever." I said.

"I feel like I know you already," She laughed. "Harry's always talking about you."

I snorted, "I feel the same. He's always talking about you. 'Gemma once stuffed my head in the toilet for stealing her Barbie'." I mimicked my boyfriend.

"I remember that day," Robin said, shaking his head. "I stepped outside for a minute and Harry almost died."

"Gemma wouldn't kill me." Harry said, appearing out of no where.

"Don't doubt me, little brother."


"Oh, what about that one?"

"Too cabin like."

"That one?"

"That's in America, love."

I sighed and leant back in bed, watching as Harry scrolled through the thousands of houses we were looking at. I never knew house hunting was this hard.

"Why don't we buy a house here?" I suggested. He looked up at me in shock. "The town seems nice and it would be nice to live next to your family."

"Yeah but I'd be travelling to London all the time. It's easier to live out there." He sighed.

"I guess."

"Hey, don't worry," He said, taking notice of my dark tone. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "We'll find the perfect house."

"I know." I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder.

He continued to look through the pictures and I began to look around his room. He had a queen sized bed and we were staying here for the next four days we were visiting. The room was decorated in dark blue colors and band posters, a typical boy room. I saw that wretched game system on his TV stand and scowled. I hated game stations.

"Babe, what about this one?" He asked.

I looked at the pictures and gasped, "I love it! It's perfect!"

"I'll call the guy in the morning," He muttered, saving the number to his phone. I grabbed his laptop and continued to look through the pictures, imaging Harry and me living there. "It's time for us to go to bed."

I placed the laptop on the nightstand and turned over, watching Harry's face. He looked amazing, his hair a mess and lips parted as he put the timer on his phone for tomorrow. Harry and Robin were planning to go shopping tomorrow since mother's day was tomorrow. They wanted to do something special for Anne so it was mine and Gemma's job to keep her busy all day.

"Harry." I whispered.

He looked over at me as he turned the side lamp off, the moon giving light to the room. It was nearly ten now and Anne and Robin had gone to bed at nine. Gemma had left to her own flat after dinner.

"Yeah?" He asked, his voice just as soft as mine.

"I want you."

Even in the dark I could see his eyes darken.

He moved over so he was on top of me, running his hands down my arms and tugging at my panties, "You have to be quite."

I nodded and he smirked, bending down and capturing my lips with his.

"I think I can manage that."

This is the link for the house that Morgan and Harry were looking at:

In case it gets deleted by the time you guys read this, comment and tell me and I'll post the pictures that I saved of it.

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