Meeting The Girlfriends

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"Louis, if you so much as touch that cookie I will hurt you." I warned the mischievous boy.

He pouted and gave me a puppy dog look, "But Morgie, I'm hungry."

"Does it look like I give a damn? Dinner will be done soon, go wait for Eleanor or something." I berated him, shoving him out of my new favorite place: Harry's kitchen.

It's been a day since I've been in London and the last 24 hours have been spent spending personal time with Harry. Now it was time to meet the girlfriends. I was a little nervous to meet Louis' girlfriend, Eleanor seeing as everyone has said she was a mini him. If he was bad now, what would he be like with his other half? Also, I finally got to meet Danielle in person. And Zayn had even invited a girl he was interested in, Liza. She sounded nice from what he had said.

"Hey babe." Harry said, walking into the kitchen and setting down the plate of steaks I had asked him to barbeque. 

"Hey." I kissed his cheek and stole the plate from him and setting it on the island. I already had bowls of fruit set out, potato salad, some vegetables, and salad. I didn't know if anyone was vegetarian so just to be safe I added that. I also had made a batch of cookies that the boys had fallen in love with. I had to already to fend out Niall and Louis when they tag teamed to get them when they had been fresh. 

"Eleanor's here!" I heard Louis screech before there was shouting and a girls laughter.

I ran my hands down my skinny jeans, nervously fidgetting as I gained the courage to step out of the kitchen. I knew why I was nervous. I had looked up Eleanor and holy crap, she was beautiful. I felt ugly compared to her.

"Come on, you're going to love her." Harry said, giving me a comforting smile and leading me into the living room.

Eleanor was beautiful in pictures but she was stunning in person. Her wavy brown hair was let loose and she was wearing simple skinny jeans and a designer t-shirt, in Louis' arms as she laughed at something she said. Her smile widened when she saw me and skipped towards me, bringing me into a surprising hug.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you," She said, pulling away and giving me a dazzling smile. I blinked in shock. "Louis talks about you all the time and if I didn't know you were dating Harry, I'd think he was sleeping with you." She joked.

"Oh God no! He's the most energetic person ever. I can barely handle him for an hour." I laughed.

"Imagine how he is in bed." She said and winked.

"Like a rabbit." I said dully. We looked at each other before breaking down into laughter.

"Harry," I heard Louis say. "I think we should seperate them."

"I agree," Harry said and was suddenly beside me, slowly pulling me away from Eleanor thinking I wouldn't notice. "Time for dinner everybody!"

"But Zayn and Liam aren't here." I reminded him.

"Who cares about them? Food!" Niall exclaimed, running past us and into the kitchen.

I was surprised when Niall had showed up with Louis. I thought he was ignoring Harry and I realized he still was. He apparently wasn't going to let that stop him from hanging out with everybody. He simply didn't reply to Harry and Harry didn't try and say anything. I wanted to say something but I realized that I was also getting the silent treatment, although not as extreme as Harry's. Niall would speak to me if neccessary which wasn't very often. 

I missed that talkative Irish lad.

I sighed and allowed everyone to eat. Who was I to deny the three hungry boys? Eleanor and I stayed behind, letting them show down. I worried that there wasn't going to be enough food for Liam and Zayn, plus their dates. To keep food for the other four, I decided to skip out on dinner. 

Eleanor grabbed as much food, if not a tad bit less, than Louis and sat beside him, munching away on her salad. They had their own conversation, leaving an awkward silence between Harry, Niall, and I.

"Where's your food, love?" Harry asked when he noticed my missing plate.

I waved it off, "I wasn't very hungry."

"None sense, here." He pushed his plate between us and grabbed me a fork, staring at me until I took a bite out of the potato salad. He grinned in approval before continuing eating.

I rolled my eyes and ate a piece of steak. 




Danielle and I hugged tightly as I met her for the first time in person. She had brought Loki, like we had planned, and he was playing with Zoe. We laughed as they ran past Niall, who wasn't paying attention and he nearly fell. Puck didn't seem interested and continued sleeping in the dog bed Harry had pre-ordered.

I pulled away from the older woman, smiling up at her. Her hair was pulled back and she was wearing a pretty blue dress and black thong sandals. She hugged Eleanor and I led them over to the couch. 

"So I guess you two already met." Eleanor laughed, crossing her legs.

"We Skype all the time." Danielle stated.

"Loki!" I heard Liam bellow in the other room. "Stop humping Zoe!"


"Harry put me down!" I shrieked, fighting in Harry's grasp as he picked me up and walked into the back yard.

I could hear everyone laughed as Harry stood over the jacuzzi, giving me a innocent grin.

"If you do it-" I warned but was cut off as he dropped me into the water.

I shrieked when I resurfaced, splashing Harry. He cackled like a mad man and took his shirt and jeans off, leaving himself in his swim trunks- when did he put those on? He jumped into the water and pulled me into his lap, kissing my cheek. I blushed and shoved him away from him.

"Whatever." I scowled, or at least to. At Harry's innocent gaze a smile kept fighting against what I wanted. 

"Take your shirt off babe." He whispered, suctioned to my side and kissing at my neck. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back.

And got splashed in the face.

"No sex in the jacuzzi!" Danielle shouted, in her bikini and slipping into the cuzzi. The rest were right behind her and soon enough we were all in the water.

I curled into Harry's side, allowing him to wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"Horn dogs." Liam teased.

"We're better than Louis and Eleanor." I snorted.


"Damn right."

I smiled and sunk into the cuzzi, enjoying this time together. Danielle was laughing and leaning against Liam who looked like the happiest person alive. Louis had Eleanor in his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around her as they joked about their sex life. I now understood the whole mini Louis thing. She was probably one of the most open people out there.

I looked up at Harry, loving the way his smile lit up as Liam and Louis joked about something. He had been quite sad when Niall had left but Eleanor quickly figured out that he didn't like being around all the couples. I was glad that Liam and Louis could so easily distract him. He needed all of his friends while Niall went on his silent strike.

"Are you having fun?" Harry whispered in my ear, distracting me from listening to Danielle's conversation with Eleanor.

"Much. I love your friends." I giggled, resting my chin on his shoulder and looking up at him.

"They're your friends too, Morgan." He stated.

"I love our friends." I corrected.

He smirked, "Much better."

I smiled and he bent down, our lips connecting in a short but passionate kiss.

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