Styles Is MIA

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"Did you sleep well?" Anne asked the next afternoon when it was just Gemma, her, and me. Harry and Robin had left before we had woken up and after giving Anne a little white lie about it, we went on with our day.

"Yes, thank you for letting us stay here." I said, keeping my blush at bay. By the knowing look in her eye, I don't think Harry and I were very quite last night.

"It's no problem, dear." She waved it off before continuing to watch TV.

Gemma munched on a bowl of popcorn as she walked into the living room, sitting between me and Anne. She shared the popcorn with me and began to rant about the show. I've never seen it before so I didn't really care, instead turning my attention to Harry's extra phone he let me keep.

I never really had a phone to begin with and once Harry found out, he tried to buy me one but I wouldn't accept. Instead he gave me one of his old phones (which wasn't very old seeing as it was an iPhone 4s). I swear, that boy spoils me to much. This phone was too much and seeing as I didn't text anybody but Louis (which wasn't really texting. He would text me random words and links to weird Youtube videos) it was practically useless to me. I'd rather talk to people in person then text.

"Hey mum, can you put the E! News on?" Gemma asked with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Learn some manners and maybe." Anne stated, not even bothering to glance at her daughter.

"Pwease, mummy?" Gemma begged.

I laughed at their mother/daughter moment, a pang of longing struck my stomach. I haven't seen my mother in nearly a month and it was starting to take it's toll on me. I talked to her when I was last in London and I wish I had thought to see her before I came back with Harry. We had talked when I was in the hospital (after she had a minor heart attack) and I was beginning to miss her. Maybe after everything settled down I could go back to Australia and spend the weekend with her and dad.

I was brought out of my thoughts as Harry's name came the conversation of topic. I looked up and realized that the model perfect blonde on the screen was talking about Harry.

"For the past month pop star Harry Styles has been MIA. He hasn't been at concerts or at interviews. What has happened to the boy band member? Is One Direction parting ways?" She asked.

I snorted at the idea. One Direction breaking up? Harry was devoted to the band and the boys. He would never do anything to jeopardize them.

"Wasn't he with you?" Gemma asked, turning to face me.

I nodded, "Yep. Didn't leave my side."

I knew that Harry had spoken to them about the incident and they didn't treat me any differently. Harry's family was the best.

 "He's such a gentleman," Anne cooed. "I'm so proud of him."

"I am too." I agreed.

My phone buzzed and I looked down, seeing Harry's name flashing.

Bring mum outside

"Hey Anne, can you come outside for a second?" I asked after showing Gemma the text.

"What for?" She asked but stood up anyway.

"It's a surprise, mum." Gemma said, grabbing Anne by the hands and leading her to the front door.

I followed their lead and heard Anne let out a small scream of shock once they were outside. I peeked over her head to see Harry and Robin standing in front of a brand new car, smiling brightly at her. There was a bright red bow tied on it and Anne covered her face.

"Aw mum." Harry laughed, he and Gemma hugging her.

I stood off to the side as Robin gave her a sweet peck on the lips, wiping her tears away. Harry walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek, watching as Anne fawned over her new car.

"Who wants to go for a ride?" She asked, hanging out of the driver's side.


I laughed as Harry twirled me around to the music before pulling me to his chest. My face was flushed from how much dancing we've been doing, my hair falling from my pony tail and falling into my eyes. Harry brushed it away, love in his eyes as he did so.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, resting his hand on my cheek and running his thumb over my scar.

Anne had taken Robin and Gemma out to drive around in her new car and it was only Harry and I home alone. Not even minutes after they left Harry blasted his favorite CD and we danced to it. Now the slow song was on and we shifted in the middle of the living room, my hands on his shoulders and his hand on my lower back.

I lent into his touch, "I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you too, Morgan. That's why I got you this."

My eyes fluttered open as I saw him dig into his back pocket. I watched in shock as a squared black box with Tiffany's and Co. written neatly on it.

No fucking way. I thought, open mouthed and wide eyed as I watched him finger it.

"You're the best thing to happen to me, Morgan," He whispered, not meeting my gaze as he twirled the box in his hands. My heart was beating fast and I was having a hard time breathing. "I know we've only been dating for six months and for some people that isn't long enough to know what they want. But I do know what I want and I want you. Forever and always." He whispered the last part, opening the box.

"It's not a wedding ring but one day I do hope to put a wedding ring on your finger," He said, holding up the simple silver band with a small diamond in the middle. It was beautiful. "This is a promise ring. I promise to love you forever and to never hurt you."

Tears were streaming freely down my face as he slipped the ring onto my finger. I stared at it in shock, not processing what was happening. I admired it before meeting Harry's green eyes.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and pulled him close to me, "You're too good for me." I sobbed, burying my face into his neck.

"No one is too good for you, baby."

I pulled away and met his eyes again, "I love you so much. I can't even- I love you. I love you. I love you." I said, kissing him after each word.

He hugged me again and I felt safe in his arms. I knew that I did want to spend forever with him.

"Make love to me, Harry." I whispered in his ear.

As he carried me upstairs, our lips connected in a heated kiss, I imagined my life with him. Our house, our wedding, our children. It seemed perfect and I couldn't wait to get a start on it.

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