I Want You To Have It

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"Don't leave." I whispered against Harry's neck later that night.

"I have to, love." He replied, rubbing my back.

We were in bed, laying in the dark and enjoying each other's company. He left in only five short hours and I didn't want to sleep that away. Even if I was tired, I wanted to stay up with him.

"What's going to happen now that you told everybody?" I asked.

"Paps will try to get pictures of you now," He said. I flinched at the thought. "Fans will want to ask you questions."

"I don't want things to change."

"They won't. I won't let anything change. I promise."


I held back my tears as I stood in the living room with the boys and Samm. She didn't seem as troubled as I did, hugging Niall and giving him a short kiss before hugging the other boys. I couldn't help but glare at her as she hugged Harry a tad longer than with the others. Bitch.

"Hey," I looked at Harry, plastering a smile for him. "I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"

I nodded, "Be safe, please."

"Of course," He hesitated before grabbing my chin and giving me a passion filed kiss. I moaned and tangled my hands in his hair. "I want you to come see me on tour sometime."

I blinked in shock, staring at him. He gave me a pleading look before nodding, giving me one last love filled kiss, before hugging me. I breathed in his scent, trying to keep it in my mind forever. I knew that I would see him again but it felt like forever since then.

"I want you to keep this," I whispered, sniffling and handing him my blue journal. He looked shocked and began to say no. "I want you to start writing in it, alright? I'm not going to be there to talk to you."

"You need this more than me." He muttered.

"I'm seeing a therapist," His eyes widened. "Starting on Monday. Harry, I really do want to come outside some point in my life. I want to go on tour with you and let the paps take pictures of me."

He smiled and once again kissed me, "You're doing great."

I smiled also, "Only for you." I mimicked his words.

He chuckled and shook his head before taking the journal and stuffing it into his jacket pocket. We hugged once more before he walked outside. I stood beside Samm, biting my lip and finally letting my tears fall.

"It gets better." She muttered before going back up to her room.

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