The Journal

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It's been four weeks since Harry has left and I'm starting to get the hang of him being gone.

I could sleep alone now and didn't need to hug poor Puck all night. I still did it often when I felt lonely, but that was if I managed to catch him. I seemed to have taken all the cuddles out of him. Now it was only Zoe and I. I guess he's too manly for us now.

I've been to Murna's twice a week and after the fourth session, I was starting to get better. It was a small thing that I didn't notice until Samm commented about it. I had been dancing as I cleaned, something that I never did. Dancing reminded me so much about Annabell and Jessica that it pained me to do it. I hadn't even realized I was dancing to a song in my head until Samm walked into the kitchen, gasping at what she saw.

Harry and I've been Skyping every other night. When I told him about my small achievment, he seemed so proud that he broke out dancing. The boys and I still talk and I've met Danielle, Liam's girlfriend. She's amazing and never once commented on my scar. We talked about fashion and her dancing career and how we planned to get a doggy-date for Loki and the Twins, as we referred to Zoe and Puck. I considered her my closest friend and I talk to her all the time.

That was another thing I realized. I hadn't tried at all to hide my scar when Danielle and I had met. I had been open about it and I actually didn't care what she thought about me. It was a great feeling and I thanked Murna our next session.

I was sun tanning in the back yard, taking advantage of the hot weather. Puck laid out beside me as Zoe raced around the backyard, chasing birds and playing fetch. I was grateful to have the Twins. If it weren't for them distracting me all the time, I would probably die of boredom and lonliness. Samm and I rarely spoke after the paps left and now that I was being more independent.

"You bitch!" I heard the woman of my thoughts shriek before I was attacked.

I gasped and shoved the furious blonde off of me. Zoe and Puck were growling at her, watching her every move as Samm screamed at me.

"How could you? You fucking cunt!" She screeched, trying to claw at my face.

Puck barked at her, causing her to stop her attack. I could see the fear in her eyes at the growling dogs but she ignored them and once again pure hate was in her eyes.

"What the hell Samm? What are you talking about?" I exclaimed.

"You told Niall everything!" She shouted, pointing a shaky finger at me. "He broke up with me because of you!"

"What? I didn't tell Niall anything! And even if I did, how is it my fault? You made those decisions, Samm!"

"He just called me and said that he knows everything! How else could he find out? I know you talk to them all! You told him!" She accused me.

I shook my head, "It wasn't me Samm."

She scowled before turning and marching into the house, slamming the door behind her.

Harry's P.O.V

"I love you so much!" A girl cried, holding my hand.

"I love you too." I replied, patting her hand and watching as Paul pulled her off of me.

It was after a concert in London and we had the usual VIP fans come backstage to say hi. I smiled and said my usual things them, although my thoughts were on Morgan.

It's been hard not being with her every second of the day. I barely slept anymore, living off of coffee. If she knew that, she would probably laugh. It was no secret that I wasn't a fan of that vile stuff. However, it kept me going.

Tour was rough now that I had Morgan to think of. I didn't party as much and I knew Zayn was starting to get annoyed with being the solo man of One Direction. It must be hard to see all these happy couples surrounding him.

The last fan finally left and I sighed in relief. I really did love my fans but I hated how they cried when they saw us. Simon already prepped us about this but it was still hard to understand. We were just normal boys. We didn't think of ourselves as anything special and we wanted to be treated like normal boys.

"Where's Niall?" Liam asked, looking around.

I frowned, "He was just with me. I'll go look for him."

"When you find him head out to the bus." Paul said before leading the others out of the venue.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and headed towards the dressing room. Maybe he's in there snacking on some crisps.

Instead I found him sitting outside of the venue, head in his hands and a very familiar blue journal by his feet. My heart raced when I realized what had happened. I've read that journal mutliple times and I remembered everything that had been written in there. Including Samm's betrayal.

"Niall.." I breathed.

He looked up and I saw tears in his eyes.

"You knew," He choked out. "You knew the entire time what Samm was doing."


"Why didn't you tell me? I deserved to know that my girlfriend didn't want me," He chuckled darkly standing up. I watched him carefully. "Of course she didn't want me. Who would want the boy who eats too much?"

"Niall, that isn't true."

"The girl I loved didn't want me. She wanted you. She threatened her best friend to get you."

I was silent, letting him take the moment to understand everything. He looked heart broken and I wanted to help him but I knew that he didn't want to speak to me.

"I can't believe it." He muttered, grabbing the journal and shoving it into my chest as he walked away.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

At that moment in time, I couldn't help but hate Samantha Silverson.

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