Our Year Together

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I hummed a soft tune to myself as I stuffed the turkey in front of me. I had music playing in the background as I danced to the music. Puck laid at my feet and I could hear Zoe playing by herself in the back yard.

"Babe, I'm home!" Harry shouted when I heard the front door open.

"In the kitchen!" I replied, not looking up from the turkey.

I heard Harry come into the kitchen and looked up when he was beside me. He had snow flakes in his hair and his lips were cold as they brushed against my cheek.

"How was tour?" I asked and returned to the turkey.

The boys had decided to do tour before Thanksgiving so on Thanksgiving weekend and after they could stay home. If it weren't for the stuffing on my hands I would hug him tightly. It's been a long two months without him near me.

"Pretty fun. Liam kept trying to pull my pants down." He grumbled, sneaking one of my chocolate chip cookies and stuffing it in his mouth.

"I saw that. I don't like those girls seeing what's mine." I teased.

"Mhhm." He muttered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me away from the turkey. He captured my lips, love and lust pouring into the kiss. I held my hands out so I didn't get stuffing on him but it was becoming increasingly harder as he deepened the kiss. All I wanted to do was run my hands through his hair.

"We have a few hours before everyone gets here." He breathed, trailing kisses down my neck.

I moved away from him and quickly washed my hands, "Let's go."


"This tastes great, Morgan!" Perrie exclaimed as she bit into the turkey.

I smiled, "Thank you."

I was sitting at our dinner table with the band and their girlfriends. Harry was resting his hand on my inner thigh as we ate and I kept replaying the last few hours in my mind. We had a lot to make up after not seeing him for two months. I barely had enough time to put the forgotten turkey into the oven.

"Liam!" I heard Danielle hiss and shoving his hand off of her thigh.

"You in the dog house, mate?" Louis guessed, giving Liam a knowing look.

"Bugger off." He grumbled, stabbing his turkey viciously.

I rolled my eyes and picked at the salad.

"How's touring, Morgan?" Perrie asked, bringing up a new subject.

"It's great. I love doing it." I gushed, reminiscing about what my job was. I've travelled over the world in the past five months and it was great. I had worked my touring dates to when Harry was on tour but sometimes I would be off when Harry was still touring. But it worked and I felt better working and being help to use my past to help others.

"You're all over Tumblr," Danielle added. "Everyone loves you."

I snorted, "Everyone loves you and Perrie since you're both on Tumblr." I retaliated.

"I love my Dani-Boo." Liam suddenly cooed, definitely out of character. Her eyes widened before she glared harshly at him but it was gone in seconds and a bitter sweet smile took place.

"And I love mini Liam." She said in the same voice.

A blush rose on his cheeks and he looked down. I could tell Harry was holding his laughter back and I rolled my eyes.



"Happy one year anniversary, baby." I whispered, waking Harry up three weeks later.

He blinked rapidly and smiled up at me as I was straddling him. My hair created a curtain around our faces, our eyes staring into each others.

"I love you," He breathed, giving me a sweet kiss. I was so distracted by the kiss that he managed to flip us over so he was on top. "This year has been the best year of my life."

I smiled and ran my hand through his hair, remembering all of our moments.

Harry tripping over the couch the first night we had moved in. Harry and Liam chasing Zayn after that trick he pulled with the couch. The happiness on Harry's face when the boys are over and they're hanging out, acting like normal boys. The moments where we're with our friends and hanging out, messing around and forgetting about the troubles in our life.

"I love you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you." I admitted.

"You'll never have to find out." He whispered before capturing my lips.

It's the end guys! The next chapter is the epilogue D:

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