I Thought You Had Changed

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Harry's P.O.V

I can't believe it. I couldn't believe it. Samm, the girl I went on tour with for several months and had considered a sister, was threatening my girlfriend.

"What is she threatening you with?" I asked.

Morgan looked up at me with tear filled eyes. Her whole body was shaking and I hugged her closer to me.

I knew Morgan used to be a horrible person. She had told me last night.

But when she looked at me with those shame filled eyes and told me what Samm knew, there was a part of me who hated the blonde sitting in front of me.

"I- How could you?" I stuttered, starring at the hysterical girl in front of me.

"I didn't know you! I didn't know what a great person you were!" She made a grab for my hand, but I stood up so she couldn't touch me. I thought I actually liked her! I had looked her in the eye and told her changed. What a load of bull crap.


"You tried telling me that you were a horrible person and I ignored that. I thought that you were over exaggerating! I didn't think-" I ran my hands through my hair and started to pace. Morgan had- I just couldn't believe it.

"Harry, I'm sorry." She cried.

"I- I just need to think about this, Morgan." I muttered before turning and leaving. I just couldn't believe that she even considered to do that to me.

"Hey mate," Louis came out of the kitchen snacking on a roll. "So what happened between Samm and Morgan?"

"A bitch fight." I grmbled, not even bothering to say anything else as I walked into our room. Zayn and Niall were sitting on the bed.

"Hey lad." Zayn grinned.

I starred at Niall, thinking about the things Morgan had told me. Should I tell him? He does have a right to know, but then again he loves Samm with all his heart. I couldn't tell him. He was my best friend.

"So.. Morgan, she's nice." Zayn said.

"Yeah, Morgan." I groaned and laid on my bed, putting my hands over my face. Everything just had to be about Morgan.

"Trouble in paradise?" Niall teased.

If only he knew.

"Harry, want to cuddle?" Liam suddenly shouted, barging into our room.

"Er.. why?" I asked.

"Don't do it, Harreh!" Louis screamed, shoving Liam out of the way. "He's mine, Liam!"

"He loves me more, right Hary?" Liam turned to me with his big brown eyes. Damnit, he knew how much his puppy dog eyes had an effect on me.

"Liam!" Louis grabbed a pair of trousers off the ground and shoved them over Liam's head.

"Lou!" Liam ripped the trousers off and ran after the older boy.

We were silent before the boys went back to talking. I groaned and once again covered my face. What was I going to do about Morgan and Samm?


I couldn't sleep.

Louis was laying beside me, and was noring loudly. Whenever he breathed in, his feet would spasm and kick me.

Let's just say that Louis might wake up with one less foot.

Louis kicked me one more time and I snarled, sitting up in the bed. I can't sleep with Louis kicking me. I can't sleep knowing that Morgan was upstairs.

I don't know if I could trust her anymore. All I knew that was positive, was that I couldn't imagine a day without her.

I yanked my pillow out from underneath Louis' fat head before stomping up the stairs. Morgan's room was dark but I could see her figure curled up in the bed. I shuffled over to her side and watched her sleeping face. SHe hadn't cleaned her face off, so her mascara had left tear streaks. I sighed before climbing into bed beside her. Once my hand rested on her waist, she jumped in surprise- nearly falling off the bed.

"It's just me." I whispered. Her whole body relaxed.

"I thought you hated me." She whimpered, curling up in my chest.

"I could never hate you." I said.

"Just strongly dislike." She suggested.

I shook my head and kissed her nose, "Never."

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"I know."

We stared at eachother before she whispered something that I couldn't hear.

"What was that?" I asked.

She looked me dead in the eye and said, "I love you, Harry."

What do you guys think Morgan had done? Or planned on doing?

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