How You See Yourself

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"What did I tell you kids?"

I woke up to the sound of my dad screaming.

I groaned and rolled over in bed, burrying my face into Harry's side as I listened to my dad rant about how he was too young to be a grandfather. Harry was trying to defend himself but my dad would cut him off and go into a whole new rant about how horny the new generation is.

"Dad!" I finally shouted, sitting up and glaring at him. He quited, eyes widened in shock at my outburst. "Nothing happened last night. I was so used to Harry sleeping in the same bed with me that I had asked him to come upstairs. It wasn't his fault."

He eyed me, "That better be the truth. Break feast is ready." He grumbled before storming out of the room.

Harry sighed in relief, "Your dad can be one scary dude."

"Didn't you say that yesterday?"

"And didn't you say he got better?"



After I got ready, Harry and I walked down stairs. Louis was sitting on the couch talking on the phone, making wild hangestures and smiling broudly. Zayn and Niall sat underneath him playing Fifa while Liam was on his computer, doing a Twitcam. I dodged around where he was filming and began to get a plate of food.

When I looked up, Harry was eyeing me.

"What?" I asked.

"When can I tell people that we're dating?" He blurted.

I froze and kept my eyes on the food. When could he tell people that? I was just scared about what people would say about me. I was super insecure and I believed what everyone said about me.

"I don't know." I whispered, picking at the piece of bacon.

Harry and I were the only ones in the kitchen and he was watching me with an intense look. I had no way out of this conversation or avoiding it like I had done previous times.

"Your mom told me about the trial," He said. I looked up in shock. I was going to bring it up tonight and ask if he wanted to come. It seemed that mom had beat me to it. "What's holding you back, Morgan? He's going to prison and he can't hurt you anymore. I'll protect you."

I sighed, "It's not that. Well, part of it is. I'm just... I don't want to hear what people think of me. I already know what I look like and to have other people see me like this." I shook my head, not able to finish my sentence.

It was silent for a while and I kept my eyes on the piece of bacon before me. I wanted people to know about us but I didn't believe I was strong enough. I wanted to be the girlfriend Harry needed.

"You underestimate yourself," He said suddenly. I looked up in confusion. "You are one of the toughest people I know. I doubt a few hurtful comments will bring you down."

I sighed, "We'll talk after the trial, okay?"

He grinned and walked over, pushing the hair out of the side of my face that I subconsciously hide. He kissed along the line of my scar and I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of care and love put into the kisses.

"You are so beautiful." Harry whispered, resting his hand on my neck.

I leaned into his touch, not wanting this to end. I wrapped my small hand around his bicep, pulling him closer. His tall figure loomed over me, his curls tickling my cheek.

"What the hell did I say?" I heard my mom shriek before I was doused with water.


"Today was eventful." Harry joked as we got ready for bed.

I rolled my eyes, "If that's what you call being chased around the yard, then sure."

Harry chuckled and slipped into bed, sighing and hugging his pillow closer. I was pretty shocked that dad had allowed Harry upstairs, but only after a ten minute conversation. Harry had seemed pretty pale after that but I didn't ask about it.

"Babe! Come here!" He pouted, holding his arms out for me.

I smiled and ran into his arms, making both of us jump on the bed. Harry laughed and pulled me beside him, practically tucking me into his side.

"You're still wet!" I exclaimed, sitting up and scooting away from the wet boy.

"It's all your father's fault!" He said.

It really was. After mom had caught Harry and me in the kitchen, dad had taken control over the situation. He grabbed he water bottle and if Harry came near me at any time of the day, he would spray him. At one point, Harry had snuck behind the couch when I was sitting there and gave me a quick kiss. Louis, being the snitch he is, called out Harry and soon enough my dad ran in with the bottle. He sprayed Harry relentlessly before demanding he got back to work on the backyard (which Samm and I were still not allowed to see). Barely twenty minutes later and I hear the boys laughing. I look outside and see a shirtless Harry running in circles as dad sprayed him with the hose. I cracked up just seeing that and Harry, seeing me laughing, smiled up at me through the window. My dad took that as an advantage and sprayed him in the face.

"I'm sorry about him." I apologized and crawled back into his arms.

"It's fine. That's what dads are supposed to do, right?" He laughed.

I nodded and reached over Harry, turning the light off. I cuddled into his side and relaxed as I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"Harry?" I whispered into the dark.

"Yeah?" His voice was laced with sleep.

"Can you come to the trial with me?" I asked softly.

"Of course babe. I was going even if you didn't ask me." He chuckled.

I smiled and kissed his chest, "You're amazing."

"Only for you."

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