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"Samm.. Samm oh my gosh... I can't feel... Is this real life?"

"Morgan, stop being so dramatic!" Samm hit me with a towel and I simply groaned in pain. "You're not dying."

"My stomach..." I moaned before turning my head and vomiting into the toilet. "Oh gosh, why is this happening to me?"

Samm flushed the toilet before bending down and rubbing my back, "Did you eat something bad?"

"You mean the food you aren't feeding me?" I sneered.

"I think you're fine." She said dryly.

"No, I haven't eaten anything bad. I just woke up shivering and started to puke."

"Hm.. Have you been kissing anybody lately?"

"The fuck?" I exclaimed weakly, jerking away from her. Why the hell would she ask me that? Did she think I was sneaking out at night with a hot teenage boy who wanted go swimming?

"Well, if you are, maybe they were sick and gave it to you."

Harry better not be sick.

"No, Samm. Why would you think that? I mean, yeah I'm getting better but not good enough to start making out with different men." I don't know why  I keep lying to Samm. I guess I didn't want her to know that I was actually a lot better and then she would force me into meeting the rest of the band. I'm not that better.

"Sorry. Here, let me go get you some new clothes." She muttered before leaving the bathroom.

I groaned and once again puked my guts out. I hated being sick.

I puked five more times and Samm still wasn't back. How long did it take to grab clothes? I was dying here woman! With a huff of annoyance, I slowly clambered to my feet and stalked towards my room. Was she cleaning it?

I walked in and stopped in horror when I relaized exactly waht she was doing.

Samm stood by my bed with my blue journal in her hand, her eyes scanning through the pages as she flipped through it.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I screamed, marching across the room and snatching my jounral out of her hands. Did she have no sense of privacy?! Why would she even read it? It was pretty obvious that it was my personal journal.

"Morgan.... why would you- How could you..." She couldn't finish.

"You had no right." I snarled.

"I thought you changed!" She screamed, her face starting to turn red. "I thought you were better."

"You can't cure bitchiness Samm." I sneered. She didn't know the whole story. She didn't even know what was going through my life, no one did.

"Fuck you. I helped you, and this is how you repay me?" She shook her head before shoving past me, slamming my door shut behind her.

I sighed and sat down on my bed, clutching the journal to my chest. What did she read? There were so many secrets in my journal. I groaned and laid back in my bed. Could my life get any more fucked?

Harry Style's P.O.V

Louis and I fake gagged as Niall and Samm started to make out. They were so disgusting. Couldn't they get a room?

"Come on, let's go!" Liam shouted, glarring at the two. He was always crabby when he got off the phone with Danielle.

"Harry, can I talk to you? It's about.. Megan." Samm suddenly spoke up.

She knew. That was all I could think as I shuffled after her, looking back at the guys.

"Look, I know you and Morgan are seeing each other. I knew since the night you guys snuck in from the beach." Samm rolled her eyes.

"What, how'd you know?" I exclaimed.

"When you two checked up on us? Yeah, I was awake. Anyway, I didn't want to talk to you about that. Morgan... how well do you know her, Harry?"

"Enough." I said stiffly. Was she going to tell me to stop seeing Morgan? If she was, it wasn't going to work. Nothing was going to keep me from Morgan.

"Enough to know that once she gets what she wants, she'll leave you behind?" Samm's tone was soft and caring, as if she actually cared about me. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking she just wanted to keep me away from Morgan for a different reason.

"Thanks for the advice. I don't think I'll need it though."

"Harry, you don't know Morgan. The Morgan you know is a scared girl who is trying to fit back into society. Once she gets better, she won't even think twice about you. I'm just looking out for your well-being, Harry."

"I don't need you looking out for me. No matter what, I will always be there for Morgan.  No matter if she's a bitch or a whore or a gold digger."

Samm sighed, "I just don't want your heart broken, Harry."

"You don't have to worry about that, Samm." I said before turning and walking away.

I knew I was falling for Morgan. I knew that she was the girl who was always in my mind. But I couldn't help myself but to think about her scar. How did she get it? She never told me, and if I ever bring it up she changes the subject. Was it really that bad or did she just not want to tell me? If she truly did like me, and wasn't using me like Samm believes, then tonight she would tell me. She would trust me enough to tell me.

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