First Date?

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"Wake up."

I groaned and rolled over in my bed, blinking blurrily to see my best friend looming over me.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing my face. I was so tired.

"Nine. I got the guys out of the house so you can come hang out with me if you want?" She suggested.

I nodded my head and quickly changed out of my clothes before following after her. We sat down in our living room.

"How was last night?" I asked, sitting down and curling up in the corner of the couch. Blankets are all over the floor and I see a tan beanie thrown carelessly on the coffee table. I rolled my eyes.

"It was great! I missed Niall so much," She gushed. "It was so nice to see him again. And the boys! I miss being on tour with them."

I smiled at her. It was easier to feel her happiness after talking to Harry. I had been so scared over nothing, that now it made me laugh in my head. I had been so stupid and stubborn. I'm surprised Samm didn't kill me herself.

"What did you make for break feast?" I asked, my stomach growling.

After she got me some leftovers, we sat down on the couch and watched a couple TV programs. Teen Mom came on and Samm started going on and on about how much Farah's voice annoyed her. I simply laughed and nodded my head along.

"So...." Samm said once the show finished. She looked at me before grinning.


"You seem like yourself today." 

"I feel like myself." I admitted.

"That's good. Maybe by next week you can meet the boys?" I could hear the hope in her voice but we both knew that wasn't possible. That was too quick. I wasn't ready for such a big step. Last night was probably a one night thing. Harry probably wouldn't even want to see me again.

I frowned at the thought. I may sound like a clingy girl, but I wanted to see him again. Something about him made me want to speak to him all the time. I guess it could also be because he was the first guy I've spoken to in over a year.

"Maybe." I mused, starting to pick at the blanket in my lap. I hated to give Samm false hope. She was my best friend who gave up her life to help me. I don't like making her feel disappointed.

We went back to watching TV.

"Samm!" I heard someone bellow before I heard laughter.

My heart rate picked up as I bolted out of the couch and ran up the stairs.

"Morgan!" I heard Samm hiss from behind me but I was gone. I couldn't be in a room full of boys. Yeah, I was with them last night, but they were asleep. They didn't know I was there. 

I reached my bedroom and slammed my door shut, leaning against it as I breathed hard. That was a close one.





I bit my lip when I heard someone come up the stairs.

"We shouldn't be up here." I heard a high pitched voice whisper from outside my door.

"What is Samm trying to hide? I mean, she won't even let us near the stairs!" A deeper voice said.

They were both unfamiliar and I was starting to freak out. If they wanted to know what Samm was hiding, wouldn't they look into every room here? I was doomed.

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