Knowing Harry

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My heart raced as I stared at the boy. I couldn't think straight, fear was overtaking my body.

We stared at each other and when he didn't move for a while, I started to calm down but I didn't relax. I tried not to think of the things he could do to me. I had to stop thinking that way or I would be forever stuck in my room.

"Do you live here?" He suddenly spoke up. I noticed he had a British accent.

You have to stop being scared. I thought. Okay, you can do this. I nodded quickly, holding my breath as I waited. But nothing happened. He simply smiled at me from his seat.

"I'm Harry." I noticed he had a dimple. He also had very curly hair.

I couldn't do it. But you have to! If not for you, why not for Samm?

"Morgan." I whispered quickly, looking at the gound.

"Why are you crying?"

I looked back up and looked at him in shock. He gestured to his cheeks and raised my hand and realized my whole face was wet with tears. I wiped them away.

"I-I had a nightmare." The more I spoke to him, the easier it got. Maybe the past year, I have been scared for no reason. Maybe Samm was right, once I faced my fear it would be easier.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice got softer.

I hesitated, "It was just a bad dream. I had a friend... who had died. I dreamt of her."

"How old was she?" I liked how he didn't ask "how". Before all this, I would have asked the same thing.

"16. Her birthday was in three weeks," I smiled softly at the thought of her future birthday. "We were going to get fake IDs and go to a bar."

He chuckled, "I bet she would've had fun."

I sat down on the stairs and wrapped my arms around my torso, looking at him curiously. Samm had spoken about him a couple of times, but not as much as Niall.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

He seemed surprised at my question before shaking his head, "I actually just broke up with her."

"Did you love her?"

He was silent as he thought before shaking his head sadly, "No. I thought I did though."

It was nice to talk to somebody other than Samm. I loved her and I could never be more grateful, but after a while you wanted to speak to someone else. I was just too scared to do anything.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"18. You?" He smirked.

"17. My birthday is in April though." I added happily. April was in three months. I was planning on going outside by then. I wanted to swing. I loved the feeling of the wind going through my hair.

"Hm... What is your favorite color?" He asked, grinning at me.

I giggled before stopping in shock. It's been forever since I giggled. It sounded wierd to my own ears.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. My favorite color is between brown or pink."


"Brown is a good color."


I smiled at our conversation. Harry was easy to talk to, I felt as if I could speak to him whenever about anything.

We talked all night, about anything and everything. He told me about his family back in England and how he missed his family. I spoke about my favorite song, Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder and he gasped in shock, telling me that was the song he sang for his X-Factor audition.

Rays of sunlight shined through the window and I realized that I had been up all night speaking to a man. I was so proud of myself, I couldn't wait to tell Samm.

"I-I have to go." I whispered, making sure my hair covered my face. He couldn't see what I really looked like. He wouldn't want to speak to me again.

And don't say that "Oh Harry he's different than other guys". I know what goes through a guys head. They only want pretty girls who know how to have good sex. I was one of those girls, I should know.

"Do you have to?" He pouted.

"Yeah, I do Harry." I said before getting up and walking up the stairs.

"Good bye." I heard him say from behind me.

I smiled as I closed the door. I finally spoke to a man. All night long. It was so... perfect as I imagined it to be. I didn't cry or scream. He didn't try and push my limits. All night Harry stayed in his seat, he didn't even try to get closer. It was perfect. Harry was perfect.

I climbed into bed, sleep starting to creep up on me.

The last thing I thought of before everything went black, was Harry's bright smile.

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