Life Planned To Imperfection

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Harry's P.O.V

This is what I wanted. I wanted Morgan and I got her. She laid beside me, giving me a sweet smile that could make my heart burst. Her hair was a mess and her brown eyes held nothing but love. Even through all the crap we've been through, her attempt at betrayal and Samm, we got through it together.

"Harry..." She whispered, waiting for my reply. I could see her confidence dwindling into nothing.

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." I said quickly before kissing her plump lips.

From that night she came down the stairs crying to now, I knew that Morgan was my girl. She was perfeclty imperfect, as cliche as that sounded. Her scar made her all the better and her past made her wise. She was the girl I imagined myself with.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

She smiled and entwined our hands together. We sat in silence, enjoying this moment together.

"Move in." I blurted.

She looked up in shock, "What?"

"Move in. Who knows how things are going to be back at Samm's. You can stay here and get a job." I explained, liking the idea the more I spoke about it.

She thought about it before rolling over, propping her head up, "You're right. It was hard being three months away from you, what will it be like in a year?"

"I may not be here all the time but at least I know you're safe." I grinned, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I have Danielle and Eleanor. Even Perrie." She reminded me.

"It's not the same."

"I know." She laughed breathlessly before bending down and kissing me.

We got carried away and I turned us over so I was on top. I was about to pull her shirt off when she shoved me off and sat up, a grin on her plush lips.

"I'm going to beat your ass on Fifa." She smirked, grabbing my controller.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll like to see you try."

Short chapters, I know. Sorry. But they're to the point and you all get some fluff.

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