It's Too Late

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Morgan's P.O.V

Harry was by my side 24/7. He stayed at the hospital with me, sleeping on the pull out bed. I could see the sleep deprivation starting to take affect but he didn't say anything about it. I felt guilty for making him so worried and tired.

I felt guilty about the whole thing. I don't know what I was thinking to make me want to grab that knife. I don't really think I was going to do anything harmful in the first place until Samm came out of the house. I think seeing her set me off. She's betrayed me so many times in the last month and I was at my breaking point. It still didn't explain what I had done. Nothing could explain it. I didn't understand it myself.

I was now talking to Murna every other day and I had a new therapist along with her. I was okay with it, however. They were trying to help and even if I didn't think I needed help, I could tell Harry was feeling loads better knowing that I was getting help.

It's been three weeks since I've tried to hurt myself and my scratches were beginning to heal. They were itching like hell but no one would let me scratch them in case I had a relapse. In all honesty, I didn't remember scratching myself so hard to do that.

"Harry." I whispered, slipping out of the bed.

It was midnight and Harry seemed uncomfortable in his made up bed. I shook his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open.

"Huh? What? Are you okay?" He muttered, sitting up right and looking at me through sleepy eyes.

"Get in the bed," I said, tugging his hand. He groaned and shook his head. "Please, Harry. Your back must be killing you."

"I'm fine. You need the bed."

"No, I don't. You do. So get your fat ass up and get into my bed." I grumbled.

He sighed before standing up, his figure looming over me. I led him towards my bed and pushed him down. As I moved to lay on the couch, he grabbed my hand. I looked back and his green orbs stared into my brown ones.

"Come here," He whispered, pulling me into his arms and tucking me into his side. "I love you."

My breath hitched. It was the first time in three weeks since we've said those words. For a second I had thought that Harry had lost interest in me with being suicidal (as the doctors called me).

"I love you too." I replied.


"Do you have all of your clothes?"

"Yeah. Do you have your phone charger?"

Harry patted his pockets before snapping his fingers and walking into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at him and stuffed my blanket into the duffel bag. He came back, brandishing his phone charger, and kissed my cheek.

"Are you ready to go home, Morgan?" Dr. Presley asked, stepping into the room.

"Totally. No offense but I'm tired of this place." I laughed.

"Understandable. Harry can sign you out while you talk to your nurse." He stated.

I sighed and gave Harry a pleading look. He knew how much I hated Nurse Braxton. He treated me like I was about to explode. At first I was very patient with it, I could understand where he was coming from, but after the second week I was ready to murder him. I didn't show any signs of being harmful to myself yet he still didn't let me eat with a fork. The other nurses did but not him. Damn Braxton.

 "Ms. Peters." Nurse Braxton said, coming into the room and giving me a friendly smile.

I forced a smile back. Harry chuckled softly before patting me on my back and stepping out of the room. There I was, left alone with Braxton.


"I'm free!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air and doing a small twirl.

Harry laughed and grabbed my hand, twirling me himself. I giggled and fell into his chest, clutching his shirt tightly as I walked with him to his car. He opened the door for me and I bowed.

"Thank you kind sir." I said in a posh voice before sitting in the seat.

"Twas my pleasure, my beautiful girlfriend."

I smiled and leaned back in my seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked once he was in the car and pulling away from the hospital.

That was one place I wouldn't miss.

He tensed, "I know we haven't talked about it but I don't want you going back to Samm's."

I looked down at the mention of my past friend. We haven't spoken about her since the night Harry yelled at her in my hospital room. I had woken up to them arguing and had pretended to be asleep as they continued. Soon enough Harry and Samm were shouting at each other and Samm was being escorted out. I think Harry knew I had been awake because he walked over and kissed my forehead, whispering that he loved me. After that he never once uttered the word till the other night.

"My stuff is there." I muttered.

"I was thinking that we grab your stuff," He said slowly, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "And you move out with me to London."

It was faster than what my mom wanted but I knew that there was no other choice. I wasn't going to live with my mom for the next three days until my birthday and it was better now then later. I had already assumed that Harry wasn't going to let me go back with Samm, anyway. I knew he was pissed about what she had said and I was a little bit hurt by it. I know I've done some piss poor stuff in the past but I've never wished her death.

"I like that idea." I said, reaching over and grabbing his hand, giving it a good squeeze.

He sighed in relief, "I love you Morgan and I don't want you to be in pain anymore."

"With you around, I doubt that'll happen."

He grinned at me and pulled up in front of Samm's house. It was strange to think that I wasn't going to be living there anymore. My bedroom window was right above the garage and I remembered the day that I had seen Samm helping Niall grab his bags from the limo. I remembered walking downstairs and talking to Harry all night.

This house had so many memories. I didn't want to part with it but I had to because of the girl living there.

We slowly got out of the car and walked towards the front door. I had left my keys here so I had to knock. I stood close to Harry as I heard foot steps coming closer to the door before it opened and none other than Samm stood there. Her eyes were wide and I could see the pleading in them.


"I'm just getting my clothes and then I'm leaving." I stated, walking past her. Harry stood at the door way, glaring at Samm.

"We need to-"

"No. Enough, Samm. I know that I haven't been the best friend a girl could have but you went too far," I snapped, turning around and confronting her. She stood stock still, eyes wide. "I've done some bad shit in my life but I'm trying to fix it. Can't you see? I'm happy and I'm doing better. Everything would've been fine if you hadn't tried to steal Harry from me."

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

I shook my head, "It's too late for that. I'm leaving now."

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