The Trial

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I hit Samm in the head with my pillow before burying my face deeper into the bed. I was so fucking tired.

"Be that way." I heard her say before it was silent. Thank god she was gone. She may be a good singer, but that was no song that anyone wanted to hear.

I was on the edge of sleep when I felt something cold on my back. I screamed and jumped out of my bed.


"I told you to get up," She said as if she did nothing wrong. "Now get ready."

"What for?" I whined, leaning against my dresser. I had stayed up all night with Harry, again. It's been a week since we've started to talk every night and I was loving it. I still haven't shown him my scar and I wan't planning on it any time soon.

"Did you forget what today was?" She asked in shock.

"Er.. yes?" I started to take off my soaked shirt.

"Morgan today is the trail."

I stopped in my movements. How could I forget? I've been dreading this day for a year. How did Harry manage to get my mind off it?

"Get dressed." Samm said, walking past me.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. Even before it started, I knew this was going to be a hard day. I turned back towards my mirror, grabbing my brush, when I realized there was a vase of red roses at the edge of my dresser. I smiled and grabbed the car that was put into the bouquet.

For my favorite girl ;) -Harry

I smiled and looked back down the arrangement. He was so adorable.

I sighed and got dressed before meeting Samm downstairs next to the kitchen. I took in her outfit and forced a smile on my face. I wish I could just stay in bed all day and not face this. If I could, this would be all over and just a memory.





"Please stand for the judge."

The whole room stood and I looked up as the stern looking man came into the room. He sat down and we followed his movements.

He, Alexander Corvin was in front of me. He looked the same although a little skinnier. He was grinning and kept looking back at me. I shivered each time and tried to sink into the bench. I didn't want to be within three hundred miles of this man. After what he has done to me? To my friends family? He should rot in hell. He shouldn't even be given a trial. This was stupid, everyone knew what he had done. This was useless.

"How does the charged plead?" The judge asked, looking down at Alexander with a disgusted look.

"Guilty." Alexander spoke up and I whimpered at his voice. I had wished that would only be in my dreams. I thought I would never have to hear it again.

They went through all the stuff, you know "Tell nothing but the truth and only the truth" before they finally started the trail. I went up first and tried to hide my face behind my hair.

"Ms. Peters, can you look up?" My lawyer asked.

I looked up and I heard a couple gasps. I bit my lip and started to play with the hem of my shirt.

"How did you know Mr. Corvin?"

"He, um went to school with me." I stuttered.

"Can you tell me what happened that day?"

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