Backstabbing B!tch

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Morgan's P.O.V

"I can't believe you." Samm exclaimed. She was sitting across from me, her eyes wide and mouth parted.

"What can't you believe?" I sighed, rubbing my head. We wouldn't even be in this situation if she learned to keep her big, fat nose out of my stuff!

"You're using- Are you?" I could tell by the hope in her voice that she wanted a lie. She didn't want the truth.

"I'm not like that anymore." I said softly.

Samm suddenly stood up, "You're such a slut. You can't keep your hands to yourself! Harry is my friend! If you hurt him, I'll be there to pick up the pieces!"

I also stood up, my fists clenching, "And who said I was going to hurt him, Samm?!"

"You're using him for his money! For that stupid surgery!" She screamed.

"I'm not using Harry!" I shouted.

"That's not what you wrote." She deadpanned, looking at me with a dead look.

"That was weeks ago. I didn't know him then." I whispered, feeling shame.

"And now you do? After two weeks?" She snarled.

"Yes! You know, Harry makes me feel great! He makes me feel beautiful and just perfect! I don't have to act like a slut or a bitch for him to kiss me or to even look at me. He likes me for me!"

"Even with that scar? Even though you hide from society like a mouse? Morgan, Harry is fucking famous. He can't hide away with you. When do you plan on coming out? He has fans. They'll follow you all around, send you death threats. Do you think I'm making this up!? I get death threats every single day. Not from a lot, but just from a few. But it still makes me scared. What will you do, Morgan? Huh? How can you date Harry when his whole life revolves around publicity?"

"Why are you so against this?!" I cried, throwing my hands up. I had never thought that far. I was still in this little bubble where everything was perfect, that Harry liked me even with the scar. It was just us.

"Because it isn't right! Harry shouldn't even know about you!" She screamed.

"You said you wanted me to get better, well here I am doing just that! All the sudden you don't want me getting better? What the fuck, Samm? You're supposed to be my friend!"

"But not with Harry!" She cried.

It suddenly all clicked, "You like Harry!"

"What? No-No!" Her face got red as she stuttered, shaking her head furiously.

"That's why you're so against us! You don't like Niall at all! You're just using him to get closer to Harry! And you call me a bitch?!"

"Just leave Harry out of this, Morgan. He would never actually fall in love with you. I've showed you the magazines, he only dates models," Her eyes racked down my body. "Which you defiantly aren't."

"Please, don't do this," I begged. "Don't ruin our friendship over a boy!"

"Leave him alone." She said darkly, folding her arms as she looked at me.

Samm was my best friend. She has always been there for me, but now? How can she do this? She's dating Niall, for Christ' Sake! But Harry- he was perfect. Everything about him made me want to smile. Would I give him up just to keep a friendship that was already on it's last thread?

"I- Don't you love Niall?!" I grasped for straws, anything to get her off of the idea of liking Harry.

"Morgan, who says that I have to leave Niall to have Harry?" She raised an eyebrow.

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