Let Me Fade

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I woke up in pain the next morning. My cheek was killing me and no pain killers could help. I rolled around in bed, burrying my face into the sheets and trying to block the pain. It's never been this bad before. I actually haven't had any pains lately but that didn't seem to be continuing.

I shuffled across the room and to my phone, thanking God that it was nine and the doctor's was open. Harry was still asleep, thankfully, and I locked myself in the bathroom as I dailed the familiar number.

"This is Doctor Greene's office." A femine voice said.

"Hi, this is Morgan Peters, can I speak to Dr. Greene?" I asked, wincing at the pain it caused.

"One moment, please."

I dug through my cabinet, trying to find some heavy painkiller. Aleve and Advil wouldn't help at all. The only thing that seemed to work was drinking away my pain but I couldn't do that with Harry around. I hated getting drunk when it wasn't just me and Samm. I've been told that I'm an emotional drunk. AN: See video on side to understand.

"Morgan, is everything alright?" Dr. Greene asked frantically.

"My scar is killing me." I groaned, rubbing at the wound. It didn't seem to help, actually making it worse.

"Alright, why don't you come over and I'll give you some heavy meds." He sighed.

"Thanks, doc."

I hung up and walked back into the bedroom. Harry was still asleep, now hugging a pillow this chest and snoring softly. I smiled at the sight, quickly snapping a picture, before getting dressed for the day. I hesitated as I headed towards my door, should I at least wake him up and tell him where I was going? No, the doctor's office was just down the street. I'll be back before anyone wakes up.


"How have you been?" Dr. Greene asked as I stepped into his office.

"Better. I have a boyfriend now." I said, grinning up at him.

I felt no need to hide myself around Dr. Greene. He specialized in plastic surgery and every patient in this clinic either looked as bad or worse than me. Especially Trina, a girl I had met while staying here after my surgery. She had been in a fire and the whole side of her face was burnt off. Dr. Greene was still trying to find a way to help her.

"That's wonderful, Morgan. I hope he's treating you right?" He asked, giving me a stern look as he shifted through the pill bottles he had.

"He treats me like a princess." I said, remembering a conversation I had with my dad on the same topic.

"That's good to hear. Now, only take one today for the pain. You'll fall asleep after that," He warned, handing me the bottle. I nodded, giving him a grateful smile. "Also, I want to talk to you about that surgery."

The smile fell from my face and I looked down at the ground, "I don't have enough money, Dr. Greene."

"That's sad to hear. I really wanted to help you. Have you spoken to Trina yet? We finally did the surgery and she looks like she did before the fire." He said.

"That's great! I'll call her later." I muttered.

We said good bye and before I stepped out, I once again covered my face. I quickly jumped into Samm's convertable, driving the five minutes back home.

After I had been attacked and Dr. Greene had done the initial surgery, he had suggested another surgery that he could do. He could take the skin off of my cheek and replace it with flawless skin. I could look normal again. That's what he did with Trina, probably. However, no matter how badly I wanted the surgery I didn't have the 14,000 dollars needed for it.

And there was my downfall. I so badly wanted the surgery that I was willing to use Harry for it. The night after I had met Harry, when he had made Louis and Zayn go back downstairs, I had came up with the idea of dating Harry and making him pay for my surgery. I've heard enough from Samm to know that he was loaded and the surgery wouldn't even make a dent in his account.

But things changed. I actually fell for Harry and I couldn't bring myself to do it. He was so great and treated me perfect, how could I do that to him? Not only that but I don't think it would be possible for me to leave him after I had the surgery.

I know, I'm a horrible person. I felt horrible after I wrote it and began to hang out with Harry more. I was so selfish and so into having the surgery that I didn't give a crap about who got hurt in the process.

Maybe Samm was right. Maybe she did deserve Harry more than I did. She wouldn't use him for money. She would consider his feelings and she could be the girlfriend he needed, not freaking out if Paul or a strange man came into the room.

Maybe I wasn't the perfect girl for Harry. I wasn't cut out to be his girlfriend.

I've been having these thoughts for a while now, ever since he brought up the coming out subject. I liked Harry and I would do anything for him, but I couldn't come out to the fans about us. I was too self consicious for it. I was too.... ugly for him. He deserved models, not some washed up bully who got tortured.

When I finally reached home, not only was my cheek killing me but my heart felt like it was being squeezed at my thoughts. Maybe I should let Harry go. He shouldn't spend his time on me, a girl who will probably never fit back into civilization.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" I heard the man of my thoughts scream as I walked into the house.

I frowned and walked into the living room, seeing Harry pacing as he yanked on his hair. Samm sat on the couch, Niall's arm slung over her shoulders as she bit on her nail and tapped her foot. The boys didn't look any better, nervously playing with their hands and tugging their hair.

"What's going on?" I asked in confusion.

Immediately all eyes were on me. Harry had me in his arms in seconds, hugging me so tight I could barely breathe. Samm was holding my hand, tears streaming down her face as she blabbered on about how worried she was.

"Where were you?" Harry shouted, his face red.

"I just went to my doctors-"

"Why didn't you wake us up?" Samm cut me off, giving me a stern look. "You should've asked one of us to drive you."

"I don't need you guys driving me everywhere. I'm perfectly capable of that."

"You had me so worried." Harry breathed, once again pulling me into a tight hug.

I frowned and rubbed his back, "I'm sorry."

"Don't do it again, okay? Just, tell me when you're going to leave, alright?" He continued, pulling back and looking into my eyes.

I nodded slowly.

I knew why they were worried and all, but honestly. This was crazy. I was an adult and I knew that my past hasn't really proven how independant I was, but at some point I had to stop relying on Samm for everything. I had to start growing out of this shell I had put myself in. I needed to start living again, although probably not the way Harry wanted me to.

And once again my dark mood reappeared. It was like a cloud, staying above me as Samm fretted over me.

"Why did you go to your doctors?" She asked, her eyes scanning over me to make sure I was alright.

"My cheek was killing me," I muttered, showing her the pills. "I'm going to go lay in bed."

She sighed and let me go. I could feel all of their stares on my back as I walked up the stairs. I sighed and quickly took one of the pills. I closed my eyes, expecting the pain in my cheek to leave. I laid down in bed, allowing the medication to let me fade away into sleep.

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